Page 66 of Switch Heater

Zeke’s nose scrunches as he gives his friend a disgusted look. “Yeah, okay. Forget I said anything.”

“Ripley’s right. It’s not that bad. Nothing like we expected, anyway. It’s a learning curve, like all new relationships, but I don’t think we’d be the same if Ripley never came along.” Syn finally chimes in, smiling after our omegas as they make their way over to Ripley’s parents.

“Syn’s right. We were fine before Ripley, but now that she’s here and in our lives, things are different. Better.” I add.

We all seem to smile more, spend more quality time together, when Ripley’s around and it’s something I’ve grown to really love and enjoy.

“Auntie Rip! I’m here! It’s me, look!”

A tiny little girl, about four or five, comes flying through the patio doors straight in Ripley’s direction. Ripley drops River’s hand as the little girl catapults herself into Ripley’s arms, hanging from her like a monkey. Her white blonde hair is done in two braids down each side of her head, a little crown sitting on top. Ripley gasps in an over-exaggerated way as she spins them in a circle, making the girl squeal and laugh.

“No way, Saxophoney-roney. I never would have recognized you if you hadn’t told me!”

The little girl giggles at her aunt’s silliness but stops when she hears her mother’s stern voice calling through the house.

“Saxon Marie!” the voice hollers.

“Uh oh,” Ripley whispers, looking at Saxon with wide eyes and putting her down.

Saxon gasps and runs behind Ripley, hiding behind her legs. Ripley covers her mouth to hold her giggles in, but everyone else in the backyard is openly chuckling. A sprite of a woman stomps through the doors, looking like an angry pixie. Her hair is cut short, just up to her ears where it curves to her cheek. Part of it is tucked behind her ears, while the rest sits in front. She’s as small as Ripley’s mother, but with alpha energy that matches my own, and I know that this must be Ridleigh.

“Young lady, you cannot hide behind your aunt for the rest of your life! She won’t always be there to shield you!” Ridleigh huffs, scowling at Ripley’s legs with her arms crossed.

“That’s not true, boogaloo. You and me, we’re like this.” Ripley pushes a hand behind her back, twining her pointer and middle finger together, signifying that they’re close. “I’ve always got your back.” She stage whispers.

I can tell Ridleigh is trying her best to keep her composure and hold in a smile she really wants to let loose. She’s holding it back much better than the rest of us, at least.

“Saxon, you can’t keep running off like that without me or one of your dads.” Ridleigh finally sighs, dropping her arms.

Saxon pokes her head out from behind Ripley and rolls her eyes. With more sass than I’ve ever seen from a little girl, she tells her mom, “We’re at Nannie, Pop Pop, Papa Damien, and Grandaddy Aeon’s, Mommy. My godnesses!”

Nobody can stop their snickering after she says ‘my godnesses’, not even her mother. A boy about nine or ten walks out soon after, running to Ripley like his sister. He’s tall for his age, standing nearly to her shoulders. Funnily enough, I can see that he’s as tall as his mother. Unlike his sister, his hair is an inky black like Ripley and Ridleigh’s.

“Hey, Reuby! What’s up, my main man?” Ripley says, wrapping an arm around the boy’s shoulder.

He gives her a side hug and a small smile but doesn’t say anything. He’s quiet, somewhat reserved compared to how boisterous his sister is. When Ridleigh spots River standing with her parents, she leaves her sister and daughter, dashing over to him excitedly. Seeing that she’s been momentarily forgotten, Saxon takes off giggling like a maniac, and her brother follows her dutifully. Fucking cute.

It seems River and Ridleigh are getting along well, walking over to another set of chairs together and talking nonstop, with Ripley following close behind them. She perches on River’s lap, his arm going around her waist and resting his hand on her abdomen. Ridleigh grins at the two of them and starts asking questions, embarrassing ones I’d guess based on the pretty red shade Ripley is turning and the lascivious grin on River’s face.

“Hey, guys! Long time no see.” Ridge calls as four other men join us, and he, Zeke, and Manny get up to greet them.

Ripley also jumps up and races to greet them, a giddy grin on her lips. One of the men, not much smaller than the men he’s with, grins when he sees Ripley and pulls her in for a tight hug. Ripley squeals when he lets her go, jumping up and down excitedly.

“You’re home. Finally! Please tell me you’re home for a long, long, long time. We’ve all missed you. Especially my sister! She’s insufferable when you’re gone.”

He sighs, rolling his eyes. “I’m taking a break. I’ve missed my babies, the big ones and the small ones. But especially your sister.” He smirks, waggling his eyebrows and Ripley shoves him, laughing.


He’s very good looking, olive skin tone with white blonde hair tousled on his head. Saxon is the spitting image of him, I realize, when the tiny blonde girl runs into his arms screaming, “Daddy!”

His scent hits me soon after, chocolate cake with small hints of his bonded woven in. He’s big for an omega.

“Hey, isn’t that Sloan Ryan?” I hear Kian whisper to Syn.

“Who?” Nico asks.

“Sloan Ryan. He’s that famous omega actor. Remember? He was in that new romance movie River dragged us all to. Can’t remember the name, but I remember that guy’s face. Damn. Ripley has a movie star in the family. Wait until River finally sees him. He’s been a Sloan Ryan fan for years. He’s gonna shit when he realizes Ripley never told him she knew him.” Kian chuckles under his breath, shaking his head.