Page 67 of Switch Heater

“Looks like we’re about to find out,” I say as I hear Ripley tell Sloan to follow her as she leads him over to River, giggling silently like she’s about to give him the shock of his life. She is, and I love that she knows it and is enjoying her little prank.

“Little Bird. You look like you’ve got a secret,” River purrs when he catches sight of his omega.

“Hey Riv, I’d like you to meet my sister’s omega. Sloan Ryan, this is my omega, River Kingston.” Ripley steps to the side with an innocent smile, like she’s not about to totally blow River’s mind.

When River sees the omega behind her, his eyes widen comically, and his jaw goes slack as he’s shocked speechless.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him speechless,” Syn mutters.

I nod in agreement, watching as River’s mouth opens and closes and he just stares wide-eyed at Sloan’s outstretched hand. He’ll never stop moaning about this moment if he doesn’t stop embarrassing himself.

“River, babe, close your mouth and shake the nice omega’s hand,” I call out, a bit of my alpha bark coming out to help nudge him along.

River finally pulls himself from his stupor and shakes Sloan’s hand, gushing about how big of a fan he is. He glares at Ripley’s back as she skips happily back over to us, this time sitting in Syn’s lap. She wraps her arms around Syn’s neck and Syn grins at her.

“You’re going to be in so much trouble later when he gets you alone, Baby Girl. Naughty omega.” Syn purrs, clicking her tongue in admonishment even though she’s silently laughing.

Ripley bites her lip. “I’m counting on it. Unless one of my alphas gets to me first.” She whispers out before scampering away to see her sister’s other mates.

She called us hers. We all sit in stunned silence for a moment, soaking in this moment. Feels good. I notice Kian off to the side looking after Ripley, a damn sad look in his eyes. He’s going to have to make a move soon. I know that’s what she’s waiting for. Us to come to her, and so far, that’s how it’s worked. Maybe she’ll need to make the move with Kian, though.

He looks at me when I call his name. “You’ll get there, Sweets. You just need to take your shot.”

He gulps, but nods even though he doesn’t look convinced. I don’t know what makes him so nervous about going after Ripley, but I hope he gets over it.

“So, who’s trying to nab her before River can tonight?” Nico chimes in.

“Who says she’s coming home with us tonight? She barely escaped at their last sleepover.” Syn reminds him with a raised brow.

Nico grins at her. “She’ll come home with us. And when she does, I’m calling dibs.”

Syn and I glance at each other, grinning.

“May the best man win,” I say to him.

“Uh, or woman. Bunch of knotheads,” Syn grumbles.

I’ll let Nico win, just like I know Syn will, but he doesn’t need to know that. Got to keep things interesting. We all disperse, deciding it’s time we work on mingling and getting to know Ripley’s family. There will be plenty of time for fun later.



My plans are being foiled by a tiny little girl in a tutu with a princess crown and the sassy attitude of a grown omega. Ripley giggles behind her hand as Saxon stares me down with her little fists perched on her hips.

“Auntie Rip is staying with me! We’re having a princess sleepover,” she tells me with a scowl.

I’d snuck over to where I’d seen the two girls wander off together so I could try to squirrel Ripley away before River could convince her to get into Knight’s SUV. I’ve never been happier to have driven myself.

I’d already planned on stealing her away well before she’d whispered about one of us getting to her first. Being patient normally isn’t a hard feat for me, but when it comes to Ripley, my patience is near nonexistent.

Deciding it’d be much easier to get Ripley to myself if I snuck us out of here before the others noticed, I found the perfect opportunity to try talking her into escaping with me when she and Saxon started sneaking farther out onto the property, behind an old building. I hadn’t planned on the little tyke telling me she’s keeping Ripley tonight. I can’t believe I’m about to try bribing a little girl into giving me her aunt for the night, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do.

I’m not bad with kids, but I’m also not necessarily good with them. It’s more because I haven’t been around many in my lifetime. I don’t have siblings, so no nieces and nephews. Kian, River, and Knight aren’t exactly close to their families, so any kids there I wouldn’t know about. Syn has a sister, but we hardly ever see her or her kids unless it’s around the holidays. Add in a job as a tattoo artist slash shop owner, and there haven’t been many opportunities for me to interact with tiny humans. Right now, I need to get it together and focus on bribing the feisty three-foot blonde in front of me.

“A princess sleepover? Darn. I was going to ask Ripley if she wanted to have one of those at our house one night with you. But if you guys are going to have one tonight...” I trail off, furrowing my brows.

Ripley is biting her lip when I check on her, clearly amused at the entire situation. Something tells me that Saxon rarely, if ever, gets told no by Rip. I also think Ripley thoroughly encourages her behavior and sassy attitude.