Page 52 of Switch Heater

“Oh, boy.” He shakes his head and goes to set everything up.

I move towards the giant pile I saw when we first walked in and fall into the blankets and pillows there. It smells like River, with hints of his alphas and beta interspersed within. I burrow deeper into the pile, pushing blankets and pillows this way and that to make the spot just right for us. The omega side of my brain quickly takes over, needing the little nest I’m creating to be perfect. River clears his throat above, and my head pops out from under a thick duvet, my hair falling in my face and sticking up everywhere. He grins at my disheveled state, and I grin back sheepishly.

“Sorry. Your nest. It’s just in me to make it perfect for us.” I bite my lip.

River falls into the spot beside me, pushing the hair out of my eyes.

“You make it as comfortable as you want, Little Bird. I know the omega urge to make it just right. Maybe I’ll find your way more comfortable. Regardless, I knew what I was doing asking you in here, and I knew you’d try to make it to your liking while getting comfortable. I’m fine with it, Ripley. I just want you to be yourself. It’s not like I didn’t know you were an omega when we started this, and I know all about being an omega. Don’t deny your instincts because you’re worried about my reaction. I know what I signed up for.” He tells me sincerely.

I release a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding and nod, before I continue my pursuit to make the space as comfy as my brain tells me it needs to be. Omega biology is interesting and can be a pain in the ass at times, but when it comes to our ways and our comforts, we struggle to budge and relinquish control. The fact that River is giving me the control to make his nest to my liking is astronomical, and it makes me fall in love with him a little more. Once it’s deemed perfect, I pull him down and we snuggle up, our heads propped up on the pillows I arranged behind us. He passes the remote over to me and I find the movie I want, pressing play and snuggling back into River’s arms with a massive grin as the dark music starts up.


Wait, what’s your rush? What’s your hurry?

My lips sing along silently as I watch Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. River was not expecting a musical, to say the least. Much less a musical with murder and cannibalism. It’s one of my favorites. He’s been a good sport about it, though. I can feel his eyes on me every time a new song starts, watching as I sing along happily.

Nico brought our food up not long after the movie began, laughing at River’s forlorn expression once he realized there would be singing, and lots of it. After a quick kiss to the top of both our heads, he left us to our night together. The food was delicious, and we stuffed ourselves full before laying back down in the nest of blankets, River curling around me with his head nestled on my breasts as I ran my fingers through his hair.

“I can’t believe you like this crap,” he says sleepily, and I smile.

“Come on. Johnny Depp, murder and mayhem, awesome songs. I’m gonna open your eyes to the fun stuff, Riv. Just wait until the next one!”

I can feel him smile as he turns his face, rubbing it against me. He breathes me in, and I resume running my fingers through his hair, playing with the soft strands.

“I’m almost afraid to see what the next one will be if this is the one you picked first. Can’t argue with your logic though, I suppose, Little Bird. I’ll watch whatever you want me to if it puts a smile on your face like this every time.”

“Mhmm. Sounds like someone is trying to kiss my ass.” I raise a brow at him.

He rolls his eyes at me. “No, I’m not. I mean, I do feel kind of bad for interrupting you and Nico earlier today. I’m not jealous, I swear. Just looking at you two cuddled up was so cute, and then it made me a little horny.” I raise a brow again. “Okay, a lot horny.” He glares.

I peck him on the lips, nipping the bottom one lightly. “It’s fine. You’re an omega. I’m sure he understands. But if you want me to have relationships with everyone else, you’re going to have to learn to share. I also wasn’t complaining about the way today turned out.” I giggle, wiggling my brows at him. “I think you more than made up for it before we got back to everyone.”

He nips a nipple through my shirt, and I squeak, squirming under him. I push his head away and he laughs, kissing the sting away. Now that I’ve brought it up, it seems like a good time to check and see how it all felt for him. Outwardly, things seemed perfectly fine. River seemed to actually enjoy seeing Nico with me and he really liked sort of sharing me with Nico as well, but I need to be sure.

“So... How did today make you feel? Seeing me and Nico together? And then when you two... you know?”

River turns around and props himself up on an arm, so his face is hovering over mine and he’s looking down at me. With his other, he pushes my hair away from my face, looking me in my eyes as best he can with the limited light from the movie.

“It made me feel pleased. Pleased to see you happy, and Nico too. You know, even before I came along, Nico didn’t get involved with anyone outside of the pack. To see him be the first to take that step with you, well, it was wonderful. And don’t think I didn’t notice that he totally got you off before I so rudely popped up, which I found to be an immense turn on. I loved watching him watch you as you came undone between us. He could barely keep his eyes off of you.” His words are sincere and make me smile. “Have you figured out that he’s a big marshmallow in the center yet? Big, scary looking tattooed alpha, but really a big ol’ softy.” I chuckle as he whispers out the last part, like he’s telling me a secret.

“Ah, just as I suspected then,” I whisper back, kissing him on the nose. “Glad to know nothing made you uncomfortable. I like Nico. He’s sweet and a hell of a cook based on his grilled cheese.” I smirk at him before continuing, “I also like the others. I love that they all made me feel so welcome today and that I got to know them a little better.”

“Good, because I think they’re all pretty smitten with you so far, and I can’t say I blame them. I want to keep you, Little Bird, just so we’re clear. You’re right where you belong.”

He kisses my lips, giving me a boyish grin before laying his head back down on my breasts, his hand resting on my side and tickling the skin he exposes softly back and forth.

“Yeah, I think I agree with you. I am right where I was always meant to be,” I whisper under my breath softly enough that he doesn’t hear me.

Before long, one of my favorite songs comes on and I sing louder with this one. River laughs as I get really into it, and he squeezes me tighter to him.

By the time Mrs. Lovett is singing to Sweeney Todd by the sea, River is asleep, snoring softly against me. Guess we won’t be watching that second movie after all. I finish the movie alone and lay there in the dark for a while after, trying to fall asleep, but my mind doesn’t want to shut down.

I give up an hour later, deciding to go downstairs for a glass of water. There’s a mini fridge up here, and I’m sure there’s some bottled water in there, but I need to walk around for a minute, anyway. Try to clear my thoughts.

I carefully maneuver out from under River, making sure I don’t wake him as I squirm out of his hold. He looks so peaceful, smiling softly in his sleep, his hair flopping over his eyes. I softly brush it aside and just stare at him for a second. He’s so handsome he makes my heart ache. I’m slowly falling for him, and it makes me incredibly happy, but also scares the shit out of me. Everything feels like it’s going at breakneck speed ever since the night of the Ceremony. I’m not complaining, of course. I love how quickly we’ve acclimated to each other. I just don’t want to screw anything up.

When I’m sure he won’t wake, I creep softly out of the nest and down the stairs to the kitchen. The soft glow of the moon shines in from the window above the sink, casting little light in the dark room. Just enough to see by. I decide not to waste time looking for a light switch, the moon giving plenty of light for me to get water. After a few tries, I finally find a cabinet with cups and grab one, filling it up at the fridge, forgoing ice to avoid making too much noise and possibly waking someone up. Once done, I clean the cup and put it back, and then just stare out the window into their backyard. The moon glints off the water in the pool by the patio and I can see fireflies glowing in the distance.