Page 53 of Switch Heater

On my way back to the nest, a soft light draws me toward a door near the family room. When I stop at the entrance and glance in through the crack in the door, I see Syn curled up on a large plush chair. She has a soft blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and she’s completely engrossed in a book. A pair of reading glasses are perched on her nose, making her look adorable, and her curls are piled on top of her head in a tangle. A baggy shirt hangs off her shoulder and the shorts she has on are tight and mold to her lower half. Seems I’m not the only one that can’t sleep.

I start to back away, so I don’t disturb her, but a creak sounds out when I step back the wrong way and she looks up, catching me spying. Surprise shows on her face before evening out, and she waves me in. She takes her glasses off and sets her book down in her lap while she waits for me to come to her patiently.

“Everything okay, Ripley?” She asks, a touch of concern coming through when I finally step inside of the room.

“Yeah, no, sorry. I just came down for a glass of water. Couldn’t sleep. I was on my way back up when I caught the light, so I decided to peek in. I didn’t mean to disturb you.”

“You’re not disturbing me. I couldn’t sleep either, so I came down to read. Come, sit.”

I listen, tucking my legs under me as I sit on a matching chair a few feet from her and stare at the alpha that seems like an enigma to me. She’s so pretty like this. Just herself, no barriers in the way, face clean and her hair a mass of curls on top of her head. She has the cutest smattering of freckles across her nose now that I’m looking closely, and I find them endearing. Her steely gaze on me makes my heart race in the best way and keeps me from being able to look away from her.

“River pass out on you?”

I chuckle. “Yeah. I don’t think musicals are his thing.”

She raises a brow, her lips tilting up. “A musical? You got him to watch a musical?” She asks in disbelief.

“Hey, he said I could pick! I figured a horror musical wouldn’t be so bad.” I laugh, shrugging my shoulders.

“What movie?”

“Sweeney Todd.”

She snorts. “I haven’t seen that movie in years. It used to be one of my favorites. Then again, I love most Tim Burton movies. The dark aesthetic.”

I grin at her. “You’ve seen it?”

“It’s been a while, but yes. Used to watch it all the time in college.”

“Wouldn’t have taken you for a musical fan, either.”

“I like many genres, just like with my books.”

I glance at the book on her lap. “What are you reading now?”

She looks down, and I swear I see the faintest darkening of her caramel cheeks. “Oh, this? It’s nothing. I went and bought that book you had that night we met. I was intrigued after you showed it to me and saw it on a shelf when I went looking for some new books for myself. Not bad, I must say. If only it were a reverse harem.”

I bite my lip. She bought the book I showed her the night they walked me back to the dorms. I have the strongest urge to lean forward and kiss her. I won’t because I don’t know her feelings towards me, and how she feels about me being with River, but I want to. Badly. Her lips look so plump and soft. All of her looks soft.

“I’m glad you like it. I finished it a couple of weeks ago. I already told you today about the one I’ve been reading that does have a harem.”

I waggle my eyebrows and grin as she snorts at me. We get quiet, but it isn’t awkward or bad. It’s kind of nice. I look around the room we’re in, and I can feel her eyes on me while I peruse and try to control my breathing. It’s not an overly large room and is lined with shelves that reach as high as the ceiling. It looks to be a mini library with the comfortable chairs to curl up on, all the books that fill the shelves, and the lamps placed strategically on end tables around the room. As I look around, I think of how to ask Syn what I want to ask.

I want to ask her how my being here affects her. If she’s okay, truly okay, with me and River. The weight of her stare becomes heavy, and I finally look back at her. Her steely gaze is mesmerizing, and I feel like I could stare at her for hours, getting lost in her eyes. Finally, I make the choice to just ask her. We’re alone for the first time, and I desperately need to know.

“Hey, Syn?” I whisper somewhat nervously.


“I was wondering... Are you really okay with me being here? With my relationship with River? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” My words come out soft, almost unsure as I voice my thoughts.

I’ve stunned her with my questions because she sits there silently for a moment. Suddenly, she moves closer to me slowly, kneeling by my feet and taking my hand in hers. It’s the same size as mine and feels so different compared to Nico and River’s. Dainty and soft against my palm, not a hint of callouses anywhere.

“Have I made you think your being here makes me uncomfortable? Or your relationship with River?”

I bite my lip. “No, not really. I know we haven’t spent much time together; I just worry maybe I’m taking too much time away from you guys with him. He’s your mate. I’m sure you miss him? And another omega being here has to feel a little strange to you all.”

“Ripley, we get plenty of time with River. I’m happy when he’s happy, and you make him more than happy. We won’t ever stand in the way of his happiness, and now yours. It might be a little new and we’ve got to learn as we go, but it thrills me to see how happy you two are together. To be honest, I worry it’s me that may make you uncomfortable. We just want to make sure you always feel safe and secure when you’re here.”