Page 29 of Switch Heater

I don’t answer right away. She does smell nice. Beyond nice. River also wasn’t lying when he said she was stunning. Big, vibrant hazel eyes framed in thick lashes. Long black hair that I bet would look even better wrapped around my fist and fuck me if it doesn’t make her even more attractive to me. Curves in all the best places, which means an ass I could grab a handful of as I fu-. Nope.

Stop it right the fuck now, Nico.

Sighing, I finally answer him. “I don’t know what’s going on or how this will end, but he’s happy. Practically giddy at the prospect of this omega. It’s not logical or normal by any means, but can you really tell him no?”

We both look ahead at River, still happily humming on his trek to the parking area with his phone clenched in his hand. Knight grimaces slightly.

“Thought so. We’ll be careful. We’ll let him see what this is and what he wants to do about it.”

“And if we all want her too?” A raised brow greets me when I look back at him.

And if we all want her too?

That’s an excellent question. One I don’t even have an answer to. Let’s just hope this won’t be a mistake we all end up regretting.



River: Sweet or sour?

Me: Sweet, of course. *angel emoji* Favorite color?

River: It used to be blue.

Me: So what is it now?

River: Hazel *wink*


Me: Favorite hobby?

River: Easy. Painting. I do it full-time; I love it that much.

Me: That’s amazing. I wish I was artistic. Will you show me something you’ve painted sometime?

River: I’d love to show you my work, little bird.

Me: Hey, Riv?

River: What’s up?

Me: I like that you call me that *blushing emoji*


River: Tell me what you’re looking for in a pack.

Me: Woah. Going straight for the important stuff, huh?

River: Color me curious.

Me: Well, alright. I guess I’m just looking for security—endless amounts of love. People I know will always be there for me, no matter what. I’ve always figured my instincts would eventually lead me to the right ones. Seems to be taking longer than I expected.

River: Idk, little bird. Your instincts seem to work just fine from where I’m standing.
