Page 30 of Switch Heater

Me: Do you think it’s weird we’re attracted to each other? That we like each other’s scents?

River: Nah. Maybe because I’ve never been one to blink at things that are different, or perhaps because I just don’t care. I like your scent, little bird. It drives me wild. I also enjoy your wit and kindness. I don’t see what there is to question *shrug emoji*

Me: The world is gray, not black and white, is that it?

River: Pretty much. Look, I understand our predicament isn’t... the most conventional, but it’s ours. Nobody else’s, so only our opinions matter, right?

Me: I like your view on it.

River: Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to reassure you as often as you need me to, omega.


River: I hear you’re a slutty bookworm who likes to read porn of the alien variety.

Me: ...

River: Oh, come on. Do your dirty little books make you super horny and leave you wanting when you read them, pretty girl?

Me: Idk if I should tell you...

River: You should most DEFINITELY tell me. The more details, the better, little bird.

Me: Ugh, fine. You asked for it.

River: Noted.

Me: I just finished this one about a galaxy circus. It’s a reverse harem with multiple different species of mates. I’m particularly fond of the main character’s kraken mate and these two lightning cat shifters that seem like they might be potentials.

River: I’m intrigued... Tell me more.

Me: The first book has this scorching scene between the main character and her kraken mate at the end. It’s probably one of my favorites. Let’s just say I left a wet spot on my bed the first time I read it *wide eye emoji*

River: We’ll have to make sure you’re with me the next time you read something like that, alright? *searching eyes emoji*

Me: Mmm... I’ll consider it *angel emoji*

River: *broken heart emoji* You’re killing me, little bird.


River: Hello, beautiful. How are you today?

Me: Hey. I’m exhausted *pouty face* My dads took me on a hike to this new trail they found while I was away. It was a long one. But it was beautiful, so worth it.

River: Gross. Little bird, why would you go sweat your delectable ass off outside when you could have sweat it off with me, doing more enjoyable activities? *wink*

Me: Tease


River: Spend the day with me tomorrow. We can hang out at my house.

Me: Are you sure? Your mates are okay with that?

River: *eye roll* Of course, they’re okay with it. They’ll stay out of our way. It’ll be just me and you, little bird. I admit it’s all I’ve thought about for weeks.

Me: If you’re sure...