Page 48 of Brewing Brilliance

I run a hand down my face because I know she’s right, but I need them to be on board with my plan and there’s no way I can confidently win Spencer back if one or all of them doubt my intentions. Being in my kitchen sounds so much better.

“I know you’re right, but I have time to whip up something quick for my favorite little dude and his new bestie. If they get here before I’m done, direct them to the table and the drinks and get started without me. I’ll be out shortly.”

I know it’s a coward move, but I turn and head to the kitchen before Olive can argue. Maybe if I can ply them with good food and brews before we dive into the nitty gritty, they’ll be more willing to hear me out and help win Spencer back.

I’m only in the kitchen for about 15 minutes, but I did peek out at one point and saw that everyone had shown up and were currently enjoying the food and drinks. I let out a little breath of relief that they all seem to be in good moods. Of course, that could all change as soon as I show my face, but I’m hoping the set up will work out in my favor.

I grab the food I made for the kids and see them a few tables away coloring together. They barely notice me drop off their food, but I do get a thanks from both of them.

“So, you finally decided to quit being a chicken shit and join us at this meeting of the minds that YOU asked for?” Chayse has her arms crossed and her brows raised as she stares me down while waiting for my response.

I run my hand through my hair before I pull out the last available seat and sit down. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly before making eye contact with not only Chayse, but all the women at the table.

“I figured plying you with good food and drinks before I tried to plead my case to win your sister back would be a nice way to soften you up a little bit. Having to make food for the munchkins was just a bonus to buy myself a little more time.” I smirk as I see Chayse try and fight off her smile. That’s a better start to this little meeting than I could’ve hoped for. I honestly was preparing myself to get at least one punch from Chayse.

“Well, it definitely didn’t hurt. So, you want to get our sister back, but you need our help. What did you have in mind?” Emerson is nicer and looks open to hearing me out. Hopefully she, well all of them, don’t think I’m completely crazy.

“So, I need to start out by saying I love your sister. Like head over heels, haven’t been eating or sleeping, hate that I don’t have her by my side, love your sister. I didn’t want to end things with her, but I also think she deserves the world, and I wasn’t too sure if I could give that to her.”

“She wants the house, the husband, and kids and after the shit my ex and best friend pulled, I vowed that I would never let anyone close to me again. But I couldn’t resist Spencer’s pull. I came up with the fake dating because, sure, I wanted the school to think I was responsible and could take care of Pat, but I also just wanted more of her time.”

“She’s fucking amazing. She’s nurturing, loyal, but she’s also fierce. Seeing her open up little by little felt like the best gift. She’s so fucking bold and brilliant, but she doesn’t show it nearly enough. I love pulling that out of her bit by bit.”

“She’s also my best friend. It happened without me even realizing it, but I fucking miss her. It’s been a week and I’ve been completely miserable, but I think I needed this to happen to realize I could give her everything she wants and more.”

“I always thought I’d settle down and get married and have kids, I just got a little derailed along the way, but I realized that there’s nobody in this world that I’d rather move on to those next steps with than Spencer.”

“I want to be waiting at the end of that aisle as your dad walks her down to me. I want to watch her belly expand as she grows our babies, I want the long bike rides, and I want to sit on our front porch in 50 years watching our family.”

I break eye contact for the first time and blow out a breath as I run my hands down my face. I didn’t plan on spilling my guts, but by the look on all of their faces, that’s exactly what I needed to do for them to know that I was serious and that I really want Spencer for keeps.

“Well, damn. I can’t really argue with any of that.”

Chayse huffs out and they all start to laugh. It’s exactly what I needed to break some of this tension and to see if I could get the girls to help me make it a possibility.

“So big guy, what do you have planned?” Seraphine leans in and asks.

“Well, this might be a little crazy, but I’m playing for keeps and want the whole big gesture. I was hoping there’d be a way to include her kiddos to ask her to forgive me and take me back.”

“If you’re doing a grand gesture, I totally want to be there to see.” Emerson pipes up.

“Oh, I have the perfect excuse for you to be at the school. We have trunk-or-treat coming up in a few weeks. You could sign up to be one of the parents who hands out candy and Chayse and Em can help you.”

“Okay, that sounds like an awesome start, but I want the kids to also be involved. I know how much she loves them, and if Pat is any indication, they adore her, too.”

“You’re not wrong. Hmm, let me think on it and I will get back to you. Give me your number and we can text and brainstorm ideas.”

“Sounds good.” I give all the girls my number and we discuss a few different scenarios, but I keep the craziest one to myself. I still don’t know if I’m going to pull out the big guns, but I’m keeping it tucked away just in case I realize that’s the right move.

I spend the next week texting the girls to work on my plan to win Spencer back. Seraphine has been a Godsend and I think we finally decided the perfect way to surprise my Sweets. Unfortunately, I have to wait a whole week, but it gives me time to make sure everything is ready to go come trunk-or-treat.


It’s been two weeks since I’ve seen or heard from Maverick and I’m absolutely miserable. Thank God I have Seraphine to help me every day at work. I love having my kids, but I’ve been struggling these past two weeks.

This week is Halloween, so the kids are extra excited. We are going to have a party and trunk-or-treat on Friday. It’s where parents volunteer to pass out candy and decorate their trunks with Halloween decorations. Some go all out, and the themes are very impressive.

I also usually do some fun treats for our party, but I’m dragging a little this year. I have a few ideas, but I haven’t done anything yet. I know I need to get out of this funk and move on, but it’s so much easier said than done.