Page 47 of Brewing Brilliance

“So big brother, you seem to be in a much better mood today. Is it safe to say that you’ve figured your shit out and you’re going to get your girl back?”


“So, hit me with your grand gesture. What are you going to do to let Spencer realize that you may be a big lug, but you have the biggest heart, and will give her everything she could ever need or want?”

I stare at her shocked and a little panicked at trying to think of something that I could do for Spencer to let her know that I’m serious and in it for the long haul. I have a million ideas running through my head, but each one is more outlandish than the last.

“Um, I only know about those from you blabbing about them when you finish your dumb romance books.” But before I can finish that thought, I know my sister is right and Spencer deserves to know what she means to me, that I’m sorry, and that I want her back. Plus, Olive knows how much I love those books, and of course I know I need to do a grand gesture.

An idea comes to me and it’s fucking crazy, but I think I know how to prove to Spencer exactly how much she means to me and how all in I am to have her back in my life for more than fake dating, or just casual dating. Although, thinking back, nothing has been casual with Spencer.

“Alright, this might be fucking crazy, but hear me out and give me your honest opinion.”

Olive nods and I spend the next twenty minutes going over my plan to get Spencer back. It takes her a little convincing, but she’s finally on board and is being super helpful in helping me connect with the people I need to have this plan go off without a hitch. We plot while we eat, but I finally think I have it all pinned down.

This will be more vulnerable than I’ve allowed myself to be in years, but Spencer is worth it and I’m playing for keeps. It’s time to get my Sweets back. With that being said, I grab my phone and message Emerson. If I’m going to pull this off, I’m going to need some help.

Maverick:Hey Half-pint, do you have a minute?

Emerson:What the hell do you want, Maverick?

Maverick:I want to win your sister back and I have a plan. First, I need to know if you think it will even work, and second, I need Seraphine’s number to help make it happen.

Emerson:How do I know you’re serious and you’re not going to turn around and break her heart again? She deserves so much more than that.

Maverick:Because this time I'm playing for fucking keeps. Will you at least hear me out before turning me down? Come into The Tavern and have a few beers on me. Hell, I don’t know if she would even be able to help with her schedule, but bring Chayse. Also, try and get Seraphine to come as well. If I can have you all there, we’re bound to come up with something perfect so that there’s no way she can turn me down.

Emerson:Hmmm, I’m intrigued. I’ll get the girls there, but I can’t guarantee that Chayse will behave or that she’ll even be on board and Seraphine is honestly a wild card. But I’ll make it happen.

Maverick: Perfect! Thanks so much, Em. How about you ladies come in on Sunday around 1:00pm? We aren’t officially open yet so we can have time to talk and plan and I’ll whip up some food for you all.

Emerson:Sounds good. I’ll make sure we’re all there.

Maverick:Thanks, Half-pint. I owe you one.

Emerson:Damn straight you do. But I want Spencer to be happy and I think you are perfect for her so I’m glad to help, Mav. See you Sunday.

Maverick:Sounds good. See you then.

Chapter Twenty-One


I’mnervousasfuckas I wait for Spencer’s sisters and best friends to show up at my bar on Sunday. I came in early so I could make some kick ass food to help sway the ladies to see things my way and help me convince my Sweets to give me a second chance.

Being the chicken shit that I am, I asked Olive if she could come and was extremely relieved when she told me she wouldn’t miss it. Of course, she said it with a laugh and followed it up by saying she couldn’t wait to see her big brother groveling to some pretty strong, opinionated women and proving that my intentions were pure and true. Brat.

I have all the food laid out on the table and even have their favorite drinks waiting. Thankfully I pay attention as a bartender and know all of their orders by now. Thank fuck for trivia night being once a week and the girls not missing it unless they absolutely have to.

Just as I’m fussing with the food on the table for the millionth time, the front door to the bar opens and I hear the sound of scurrying feet running across the floor before something plows into my leg.

“Hey little man. I didn’t know your mama was going to bring you. Do you have some stuff to keep you busy or do we need to go grab your things out of my office.”

“I brought stuffs with me for me and Penny to play with. Mommy said Chayse and Penny are coming and we gets to have a play date.”

“Sounds good. I’ll go make you something to eat really quickly if you want.”

“Not so fast, big brother. We’re early, but not that early. The other ladies will be here shortly, and you don’t get to hide in the kitchen. You were the one that called this meeting.”