Page 38 of Brewing Brilliance

It’s Thursday night and I don’t know who’s closer to snapping, me or Gage, but I know we both need a fucking break before the craziness of the next few days. I know he’s willing to help, but the festival will be a lot, so we decided that him manning the bar was for the best. It will definitely be busy, but I have a feeling it’s going to be a lot worse for us. Seeing how drawn he is, I make sure he leaves before I head out and fire my bike to life.

I love my bike and am not ready to store it for the winter. Thankfully it’s been a pretty mild fall so far and I’ve been able to sneak in a day or two here and there. I talked to Spencer earlier during her lunch break and she asked if I could head over to her place tonight. She wanted to get a few things done before helping me out all weekend.

When I show up, I about run into the back of her car I’m so distracted by the gorgeous sight before me. Spencer is rocking some black jeans, combat boots, a hoodie with a sexy as fuck leather jacket and has her gorgeous hair hanging over her shoulder in a braid. I shut off the bike but don’t even get a chance to get off before she’s sauntering over to me.

“Holy fuck, Sweets. Where the hell have you been hiding this look?” I grab her hand as she gets close and lift her so that she’s straddling my bike with her legs draped over mine. Her gasp as I place her down on my hard dick makes me smirk.

She returns my smirk as she wraps her arms around my neck. “Mav, my dad is a mechanic who is obsessed with motorcycles. I’ve been able to drive one since I was 16 and my baby girl is sitting in my garage right now.”

I’m fucking speechless and sitting here with my jaw touching my chest. Spencer tosses her head back and lets out a belly laugh which finally startles me out of my stupor.

“Spencer, are you fucking with me? Because if you are, you are not going to like the punishment I have in mind for you, Sweets.” I grit out between my teeth because the image of Spencer driving a motorcycle has me harder than I thought was possible.

She leans back and swings her leg off the bike. I’m instantly on my feet following my girl as she heads towards her garage. It’s not attached to the house, but it’s big enough that you can fit two full sized vehicles in it. She types the code to raise the door and I’m speechless once it opens. A gorgeous all black Harley-Davidson Sportster is sitting in the open bay. It’s in pristine condition, but that doesn’t surprise me since her dad and sister are mechanics.

“Holy fuck, Sweets. I didn’t think you could possibly get any hotter, but fuck me, I was wrong.” I circle the bike as I take in all the little details. I’m not a huge chrome fan, so seeing her bike all gloss and matte black has me wanting to make some upgrades on my own.

“Did your dad do all the custom work for you?”

“Nope, that’s all Emerson. She’s a killer mechanic, but her favorite thing to do is work on bikes whether it’s fixing them, restoring them, or tricking them out for people. She doesn’t publicize it often, but she really should with how good she is. She could make a killing for the attention to detail she puts in.”

“So, she rides, too?”

“Yeah, we all do. Emerson’s bike is sunshiny yellow just like her. Chayse had a bike, but Emerson found her an early 90s sportster at an auction and is currently fixing it up for her. I love riding my bike, but I have more fun when I can take it out with my sister’s so that’s probably why you didn’t know I could ride or that I had one.”

“Probably, but I seriously don’t know how you never told me about all of this.” I glance her way and she just shrugs. “Alright, so how do you feel about taking her out with me tonight? I was looking forward to having you wrapped around me, but I don’t think I can pass up seeing you drive your bike on the curving roads of Sparrow Falls.”

“Hmm, you think you’ll be able to keep up with me, City Boy?” I can’t help but laugh as I round the bike back towards her and I swat her ass for good measure.

“You bet your sweet ass I can keep up. How about I follow you since you know the area way better than I do.”

“Sounds perfect.” I step back as she swings a leg over her bike and watch as she straps on her helmet and fires it up. She looks hot as fuck, and I can’t help but lean over and claim her with a kiss that is anything but gentle. When I pull back her eyes are molten with desire, and it takes everything in me not to bend her over and rail her right here in her garage.

Knowing that we may never leave if I don’t step away, I head back down the driveway toward my bike and fire it up. I back it down the driveway and as soon as I’m out of the way, Spencer comes pulling out and tearing off down the road. I can’t help but smile as I catch a glimpse of her grinning from ear to ear as she flies past.

It’s definitely a cold ride, but the scenery is gorgeous. It’s hot as fuck riding side by side with my girl, maybe even hotter than having her on the back of my bike. I’m also in complete awe of Spencer. She’s a fucking amazing rider. She’s confident, bold, and a little aggressive as she rips through the windy roads of Sparrow Falls. It’s a whole other side of my girl that most people never get to see, and I fucking love it.

We finally pull over at a lookout with parking and a few picnic tables. It’s deserted and I’m glad to have the place all to ourselves. I don’t know how I’ll make it back down this mountain with the raging hard on ready to bust out of my jeans. I barely give her a chance to get her helmet off before I’m on her.

I crash my lips on hers before my hands are all over her. I pull her in close as I squeeze her ass and grind my dick into her. She pulls away from my mouth as her head tips back towards the sky and a moan rips from her throat. I trail kisses down her neck and nip on my way to her breasts. Since it’s chilly on the bikes, I’m thwarted from sucking her perfect nipples into my mouth by all the layers.

Not being able to wait any longer, I scoop her up and head back towards her bike. I’d love to fuck her senseless while she faced me sitting on the bike, but I’m afraid we’d knock it over. Instead, I plant her feet on the ground before spinning her so that she can plant her hands on the bike and bend over.

“Fuck, Sweets. This is going to be hard and fast. That okay with you?”

“Yes, God yes. Just hurry, Mav. I need you.”

I drag my dick through her slick folds and groan. When I glance up at Spencer, she’s bent over her bike with her jeans down at her knees and her pretty pussy dripping with her desire for me. I can’t help but bending down and giving her a firm lick before swirling my tongue around her clit.

My girl full out whines when I pull away, but I don’t leave her wanting long before I’m sliding into her. It takes all of my conscious effort not to slam into her, but it’s been a minute since we were together, and I don’t want to hurt her.

It doesn’t take long until I’m sliding through her tight channels with ease, and my need for release builds and becomes impossibly unbearable. Needing to make sure Spencer gets there first, I wrap one arm around and pinch her clit. She goes off like a rocket and triggers my own release. I groan and slump across her bike as she squeezes every last drop from me. I have to quickly grab her around the waist as her legs finally give out beneath her.

I pull out and I can’t help but laugh as I watch Spencer still slumped over her bike trying to pull her pants up one handed. Taking pity on her, I head over and help her get situated.

Once we’re all put back together, we head over to one of the picnic tables and have a little snack before deciding to head back to my place. As gorgeous as the sunset is, the deer are crazy this time of year and I have no desire coming close to hitting one, especially when I’m on my bike. We make it back to my place just as night starts to fall and I’m completely exhausted. Spencer decided to stay the night and I couldn’t be more grateful since I’m anxious for tomorrow, but I know I’ll sleep so much better with her by my side.

The morning comes and I’m having a hard time sitting still. The festival opens at 9:00am, but we aren’t going to start serving alcohol until noon, so we don’t need to rush over first thing. When I get out of the shower, I find Spencer is missing, but it doesn’t take long to realize she’s in the kitchen. I can hear her singing along to some country music as she cooks something that smells wonderful.