Page 39 of Brewing Brilliance

We enjoy a delicious breakfast before heading off to The Tavern to grab all of the beer that we’re going to be taking over to the festival. The biggest issue for us is keeping the kegs cold. Thankfully, Gage is super handy and made a refrigerated beer wagon for us. It’s a trailer that is big enough that you can tow a small car in it, but it has a cooling system with a set up big enough for 16 kegs in the back. We also have several coolers that will be stocked with six packs for people to take as they go.

We operate our POS system with an iPad, so that it makes it a little easier to track our sales. Once we get the beer wagon to our tent and set up, I give Spencer a crash course of our system. It’s made even easier since the only options are a 12 oz beer or a six pack. Emerson arrives shortly after we get there, and before I even realize it, it’s noon and we have a line starting to form.

For the first few hours, we are going non-stop. The new pumpkin and Oktoberfest beers are a huge hit, and I may even have to have Gage bring a few more kegs over. Thankfully we brewed our large batches of both in preparation for this festival.

It’s almost 6 when a familiar face shows up. I wasn’t expecting Olive, but apparently, she’s coming to relieve Emerson and Patrick went to Chayse and Cash’s place to have a super cool sleepover tonight. I’m glad they both are settling in here and making good friends. I was a little worried when we first moved, but Olive seems to be finding her groove now. She also adores Spencer, and I can tell the feeling is mutual.

“Hey, I’m starving. We’ve been going non-stop, but if neither of us eat, we’re going to drop where we’re standing. What do you want? I’ll grab whatever. Olive said she would be fine manning the register and that she’s an old pro.”

“She’s not lying. She helped out a ton when I first opened The Tavern. I’m not picky. Just get me something from wherever you decide to grab food. Thanks, Sweets.”

It’s been too long since I kissed her, so when she tries to pull away after a quick peck, I drag her back into me before laying a very indecent for public kiss on her that has her leaning in for more, just the way I like it. I only break the kiss once the cat calling and barfing noise breaks through the haze that’s caused by kissing the girl that I’m falling head over heels in love with.

“I adore you two together, but you seriously need to save that shit for behind closed doors. That is not a side of Maverick I need to see as his sister.” Spencer blushes, but I can see the smile she’s trying to keep from spreading across her face.

“Hmm, maybe he just needs a taste of his own medicine.”

We all turn to see a smirking Gage standing there as my sister gapes at him like a fish out of water. I look back and forth between the two, but choose to ignore whatever the hell is happening right now. I absolutely don’t want to think about my best friend and my baby sister being together, but they’ve both been through some shit that I will never be able to relate to, so maybe they could actually be good for each other.

Shaking the image of my sister and Gage together out of my head, I turn to see the two talking quietly as Spencer waits on the few customers at the register.

“Hey man, did you bring us more beer?” I see him say something to my sister who blushes before going to take over for Spencer as Gage and I head towards the other side of the trailer.

“Yeah, I only brought one more of the pumpkin and Oktoberfest because I figured that’s all you’d get through tonight since this shindig shuts down in a few hours.”

“Yeah, one of each should be good. How’s the bar going?”

“It’s been steady all day, but I feel like you’ve had the brunt of it being here. I already know that it’s going well since you’ve got me bringing more beer over.”

“Yeah, it’s been fucking awesome man. A lot of people said they’d either be back tomorrow for more beer or that we’d see them Sunday because they’re excited to try our food.”

“That’s awesome man.”

I’m just about to help Gage grab a keg out of the back of his truck when we both hear my sister raising her voice. I instantly head back to the front because not many people can get Olive going. Gage about bowls me over because I stop in my tracks when my brain registers who is standing at the cash register and why the hell my sister is so pissed.

“I mean it Bianca. You need to get the fuck out of here. We have nothing to say to you and there’s sure as fuck nothing you can say that would ever make me want to listen to a word that comes out of your mouth ever again. Leave Maverick alone. He’s fucking thriving now that he’s away from your soul sucking self. He doesn’t need you coming in here and playing your fucking mind games like you always used to.”

“Well, I can see your opinion of me hasn’t changed at all.”

“Oh no, it’s fucking changed. And if it’s even possible, I fucking hate you even more than I did before you decided to be a whore and sleep with my brother’s best friend and screw over the man you supposedly loved. Get fucked, Bi.”

I’m still standing there watching my sister rage at Bianca and I’ve honestly never been prouder of her. I knew she didn’t like Bi, but I never listened when she told me how awful she was. Bi did a fantastic job of hiding that side from me. She was the queen of manipulation. Sensing that I was still struggling, and Olive was on a roll, Gage brushes past me as he gently places his hands on Olive’s shoulders before whispering something in her ear that I can’t hear. Thankfully, whatever Gage said seems to calm Olive down enough and buy me time to get my shit together and go handle whatever Bi wants by showing up here.

“Thanks, Livvy. But I’ve got it from here. Gage, can you help Olive out for a moment?”

“Sure, man.”

“Come on.” I gesture towards the rear of the trailer since Olive and Bi already caused enough of a scene out front.

“What do you want Bi? Why are you here? It’s been over two years.”

“I was curious, Mav, okay? One of my dad’s business partners kept raving about this brewery with an amazing menu, and I finally put two and two together and realized where you landed. I wanted to come check out your place and when I looked up and saw you were a vendor for this festival, I knew I had to come and see that you were okay for myself.”

She squeezes my arm before she slides it down and grabs my hand. I don’t pull away because I’m so confused by the sincerity in her eyes and tone. I’m struggling to decide if it’s real or a facade when she goes on.

“I know what Nick and I did was totally fucked up, but you were married to the restaurant, and I was lonely. I know that’s not an excuse, but he was there when you weren’t, and I fell in love with him. We shouldn’t have kicked you out of the restaurant, but I didn’t know how else to move on. You were so angry that it would have ruined everything we worked for.”

“So, you’re cheating was my fault. Got it. Are we done?”