Page 37 of Brewing Brilliance

“Come here, Sweets.” He pulls me off the counter before guiding me back to my couch in the living room. I really hope the curtains are closed, although I suppose it doesn’t matter since there are no lights on and it’s dark outside.

Maverick kneels down in front of me before carefully sliding my yoga pants back up my legs. He drapes a blanket across my lap before he turns on the lamp and places a kiss on my forehead on his way out to the kitchen. I can’t help but get a little teary eyed at the care he’s giving me. I don’t remember when someone has taken this much effort, or I’ve given up this much control, to just be spoiled with attention and affection.

I try to get myself under control once I hear Maverick heading back into the living room with a tray full of hot soup and fresh, homemade bread. He hands me the tray while he pulls the small table that holds my books over and sets his food on it. He switches on the tv and turns on The Office, knowing it’s my guilty pleasure show.

I’m a little nervous to eat, but it smells way too good and I’m so hungry that I don’t hesitate before shoveling a large bite into my mouth. I moan as the soup warms me from the inside out. It’s delicious, but not overly seasoned so it should be easy enough on my stomach. I rip off a chunk of bread and dunk it into my soup. If Maverick keeps feeding me this well, I’m going to have to get a gym membership to make sure I don’t gain a ton of weight. Although, I suppose I could finally give in to Chayse and try cross country skiing.

The soup is filling and before I realize it, my eyes are drooping, and I can’t keep them open to watch the show. It isn’t until I feel Maverick scoop me up that I realize I must have fallen asleep, and he was carrying me to bed. He gently laid me in bed before helping me get into an oversized shirt and some sleep shorts and tucking me in. I remember him kissing me on the forehead, but sleep pulled me under.

It isn’t until the bed dips and I startle that I realize Maverick is still with me. I glance at my clock on my nightstand and am surprised that I had already been sleeping for over an hour before Maverick slid into bed with me.

I feel his strong arm wrap around my waist before he’s gently moving me so that I am the little spoon to his big. I can’t help but scoot back into his strong chest and melt into his warm embrace. I was never a cuddler, but with Maverick, there’s no place I’d rather be right now. With a gentle kiss to my neck, I close my eyes and sleep slowly pulls me under as Maverick’s even breaths lull me back to sleep.

The next few weeks fly by like a blur. More kids got hit with the same bug that took most of my class out and half of Maverick’s staff, but everyone seems to be on the mend now. That being said, our schedules have been so crazy lately that we end up spending the night at each other’s houses more than not. It’s been easy to fall into this routine with him. Maverick is gearing up for the fall tourist season, so it means a lot of extra hours in order to be ready when it is in full swing.

Sparrow Falls is stunning this time of year. We have some of the most gorgeous fall foliage out there. Well, I may be biased, but the hike to my meadow and stream is my absolute favorite place to be come fall.

The temperature is perfect for a flannel or hoodie as you sit around a fire and drink delicious beer and hang out with friends. The air is crisp with the smell of leaves and earth and a hint of smoke as people try to keep up with all the leaves falling from the trees. It’s my absolute favorite time of year.

Maverick and Gage have been busting their butts to have their Oktoberfest and pumpkin beers ready for the Autumn festival that the town hosts every year. Downtown fills with vendors selling everything from their handmade crafts to delicious fair foods that you can only get at festivals like this one. This year Mav got approval to put up a beer tent near the stage during the evening concerts. It’s going to be a hit.

My sisters and I always make a point to go to the festival together. We love seeing what all the vendors are selling and getting ideas for different crafts we can make. But this year I’ll be helping out Maverick by manning the cash register along with Emerson at his tent and I’m really excited about it.

I love how passionate he is about his brewing and cooking, and to get to see it firsthand, let’s just say I’m going to be a needy girl by the end of the night and I’m okay with that. It’s also very fascinating to see how Maverick interacts with his patrons now that we’ve been together for a while. He was always personable, but now he’s more relaxed and his smile comes more freely. I love that I had a part in that, but I can’t help but wonder where we are heading.

Of course, our sex is still the hottest I’ve ever had in my life. If anything, it gets even better the longer we’re together. But even better than the sex is our connection. It grows every day, and I can honestly admit that I am head over heels in love with that man. I just don’t know how he feels about me.

I know he cares for me a lot, but I don’t know if he loves me and I’m too afraid to tell him I love him. We still haven’t talked about our future together, but with every passing day and the more I see him with Patrick, the more I know for sure I want to get married and be a mom. But now instead of a nameless, faceless man that I picture in my future, I only see Maverick.

I’ve tried hinting at a future, but he seems to be a little dismissive when I bring things up like a summer vacation the next year or teasing about being a plus one to my sister and Cash’s wedding because it’s only a matter of time before that man has a ring on her finger and a baby in her belly. I don’t even know if he’s consciously doing it, or if he’s just so used to protecting himself, that being vague is his default setting.

I know I need to just suck it up and talk to him about it, but things are so good right now that I’m terrified to bring it up and have him push me away. I don’t want him out of my life, and I’d rather bury my head in the sand like an ostrich than bring it up with him and lose him. I guess only time will reveal where we will end up since I’m too chicken to figure it out for myself.

Chapter Seventeen


Thepastfewweekswith Spencer have been amazing. Sure, we’ve both been pretty busy, but being able to sleep with her wrapped in my arms and wake up to her gorgeous face almost every morning has been amazing. We’ve been able to sneak in a few date nights and even a hike back up to our meadow. That day will forever be one of my best days yet. Just my Sweets and the most gorgeous backdrop Sparrow Falls has during the fall.

Along with the change in weather came time for some changes at The Tavern. Not only have I been working with the kitchen staff to switch up our menu for more heartier fall dishes, but Gage and I have been busting our asses to fine tune and brew some kick ass fall beers.

I never thought I would be a dude so well versed in pumpkin beer, but in order to make sure ours was the best, Gage and I did a shit ton of research, and I can confidently say I’d pick ours out of a line up every time. We also brewed a delicious Oktoberfest beer and have two large batches of both ready for the fall festival the town hosts every year.

This will be the first year that the committee has approved the sale of alcohol at the festival, and Gage and I are trying to do our best to make sure it will be an every year occurrence. We know the town is worried about the crowd getting rowdy, but we swore we would make sure we don’t over serve anyone who seems to be getting too rowdy and I also offered to make a donation to the town with the profits we make.

We are still keeping the bar open during the festival, so it’s been all hands-on deck for my staff. Spencer and Emerson are even going to help us out by manning the registers for us at the festival. I’m so fucking pumped to share this with Spencer. She’s become a vital part of my life and I wouldn’t want to do this without her.

It’s the Thursday before the festival and Gage and I are trying to get everything tied up for the kickoff tomorrow. The local schools are all off, so I will have Spencer there to help all day. Emerson is going to join us in the afternoon.

I feel bad pulling her from the shop, but she reassured me that they are always closed on that Friday because it was one of her mom’s favorite events the town hosts. Apparently, her dad loved to complain about following the girls around all day as they ate and shopped at all the vendors, but Spencer assures me it was all for show.

I signed up to be at the event for the entirety of the weekend. Friday and Saturday we will be selling my beer and Sunday we’re going to be switching over to cooking and I have a huge brunch spread planned. It helps that The Tavern isn’t usually open on Sundays until later so that I can take over the kitchen.

I have spent the day with Gage trying to finalize what inventory we are taking over to the festival and trying to come up with any contingency plans that might need to be implemented in case things go wrong. Not only am I physically exhausted, but I’m mentally tired, too.

Spencer has been a godsend this week. She understands how busy I am and has been so undemanding of my time, but the time spent together has also been exactly what I needed before I even knew I needed it.

One night was spent soaking in my tub with some fancy bath shit that she brought over, and not only did it help me relax, but my skin feels fucking amazing. The next night she showed up at my office and helped me pin down everyone’s schedule. Like I said, it’s all hands-on deck and then add some volunteers helping with the shifts and I was struggling making sure both the festival and bar were covered. Spencer was able to piece everything together in a way that there would be no coverage gaps and I was so grateful that I thanked my girl with her bent over my desk first with my mouth and then with my cock, slamming into her while she was splayed out on my desk trying not to make a noise will forever be burned into my brain.