“Where do you need me, Ivy? Give me something to do to help.”
“Here, will you start scooping out the batter into this tray? And I will start the filling for the ones I have finished.” Ivy looks like she has gotten into a fight with the flour and lost.
“Ives, you got some flour on your face.” I try to hold back a laugh. I know she is stressed, but if you don’t tell your friend when they have something on their face, what kind of friend are you?
“Oh glory.” She takes a rag and cleans up her face. “Who orders five dozen cupcakes the day of an event? You order ahead of time, not hours before.”
“I know, I know, but I’m here for you, babe.” Nothing can ruin my good mood today; a smile has been permanently locked on my face all day.
“All right, spill, why are you smiling like that? You have been unusually happy today. I could hear that hateful guy making snide comments about our spicy book section from back here and you were just as nice and bubbly to that man like you were to everyone today.” Ivy stops filling her cupcakes and gives me the spill-your-guts look.
“I am just in a good mood, that’s all, and I wasn’t going to argue with him about our spicy books; it would have been a waste of breath. He clearly is too insecure if he is threatened by a spicy book.” I wave her off.
“Uh huh, and this wouldn’t have anything to do with Wav and Wyla finding you in bed with Graham this morning. Hmm?” Ivy raises her eyebrows up and down. “I told them to text whether you were good or not, turns out you were doing really good.”
“They have such big mouths. If you knew, why didn’t you start with that, you little brat?”
“Oh, I’m the brat? You are the one not telling your best friend about getting down and dirty with her sexy neighbor.” Ivy whips her towel at my butt.
“I’m sorry, I was going to tell you, it just happened. Honestly, I am afraid this is like a concussion-induced dream and I will wake up.” While I have had a smile plastered to my face, there is a small voice in the back of my head telling me it’s too good to be true.
“Those aren’t a thing, Winry. Tell me everything, how big is it?”
“Oh, my word. You are just like my sisters, could you guys be normal for once.” Leave it to my sisters and bestie to ask about dick size.
“Hush, quit being a prude, just tell me all the nitty gritty details.” Ivy does a little shimmy.
“Ugh, it was so good, Ivy, and as far as the size, I am just going to say impressive. I orgasmed twice the first round.”
“Twice? I was sure that was a myth. Man, I need to get laid,” Ivy cries.
“It’s a wonder how you and Waverley aren’t sisters, she asked and said the same things.” I finish scooping the batter and pop it in the oven.
“Ha, it’s part of why you love me so much. I fit in just like a Bennett. So, does this mean you guys are together now?” Ivy asks as I start on the next batch.
“He said we are. He told Wav and Wyla this morning we were together when they asked.” I give a very half confident shrug.
“But you aren’t sure?”
“No, I want to be with him, he just said last night that he wasn’t sure what he had to offer me, then this morning it just felt different. I don’t know, you know how I am, anxious about every little thing in my life, and he doesn’t even know anything about that. I’m trying not to be in my head about it but it’s hard. I really like him; I don’t want to mess this up.”
“Win, don’t get too wrapped up in that, I could tell the day he came in here that he liked you. You can tell him about that stuff when you are ready, but I know it won’t matter to him,” Ivy reassures me.
“I hope you are right, but come on let’s knock this order out.” I pop the next tray in. “What next?”
“In a hurry for something Winry?” Ivy winks.
“You know I am not even going to lie, yeah, I am.”
We finish up the order and I feel like I drive a little bit faster home than I normally do—sue me, I am excited. I debate with myself whether I should call or text Graham; he just said to holler at him when I got home. I don’t want to wake him up if he is still sleeping though, so I will just send him a text letting him know I am home.
It doesn’t take long, and there is a knock at my door, which I am all too eager to answer.
“Hey…” is all he can get out before I am on top of him. We only make it to the couch by the time clothes are being ripped off and lots of touching starts. By the end, we are sweating and trying to catch our breath.
“Hey,” I finally say back to him.
“I hope that I get that greeting every time I come over,” Graham huffs.