Page 30 of Feel It All

“Come here,” Graham reaches for me and wraps me in his embrace. I can’t resist, I climb up him, wrapping my legs around his back and give him a kiss of need and hunger. I can feel him harden against my core. He gives a low growl when I bite his lip.

“I’m going to need you to stop right now. Your sisters are downstairs, but I don’t care enough to not throw you back in that bed.”

I’m tempted to call his bluff, but I just give him a wicked smile as he sets me down. “Come on, let’s go, there is no telling what they are tearing up down there.” I tug him down the stairs.

My sisters are chatting in my kitchen, sipping their coffees. “Look, it’s the happy couple,” Waverley beams.

“Wav,” I shoot a warning look—we haven’t really clarified what this is. I hope it is something, but last night he mentioned not knowing how to do a relationship, so I don’t want to push. Thankfully, Graham looks unbothered by Waverly’s “couple” comment.

“Here is your coffee and muffin, Win.” Wyla hands me my usual iced latte and muffin.

“Oh yes, I’m starving. I’ll split this with you Graham.” I dig into the bag, pulling out the muffin.

“You don’t have to, Win; I know they are your favorite.”

“I want to.” I halve the muffin and hand it to him. My sisters stare at us like they are trying to read our minds.

“So, are you guys going to tell us what is going on here, or are you just going to make googly eyes at each other?” Waverley asks casually while she sips her coffee.

“Waverley, don’t ruin their moment.” Wyla gives Wav a little push.

“What, it is a fair question. I feel we should know if they are together or just sleeping together.”

“We are together,” Graham says, surprising me. I look up at him, I guess with a wide-eyed doe look because he gives a quick kiss on my forehead. “I mean unless you don’t want to.”

“No, no complaints here.” I know I have a cheesy smile on my face.

“Aw, Win.” Waverley claps her hands together. “Ugh, I want a hot boyfriend.” She pouts.

“Okay, I think I’d better go back over to my place and leave y’all to it. Holler at me when you get home from work, okay?” Graham places his hand on my lower back.

“Okay.” I walk him out and give him a kiss that still lingers as I go back into the kitchen.

“Um, I am going to need every detail,” Wyla demands.

“Ooh start with how was it? No, how big is it? Tell me when to stop.” Waverley holds out her hands and starts to spread them out.

“Waverley, stop it. I am not telling you how big it is. I will tell you it was life-changing but you will have to wait for more details because I need to go into work. I haven’t been in since the Flynn incident.”

“Ivy said you could have the day off if you need it. What happened was traumatic. No one would blame you for taking today off. Have you gotten an update on what is next with Flynn anyway?” Waverley asks, her tone less giddy at the change of topic.

“Dad told me Saturday he got bailed out. We have a protection order, so he is not supposed to contact me in anyway.” I feel a chill go down my spine just thinking about that night. “I’ll most likely have to see him in court to tell my side of the story, especially since I broke his nose trying to get him off of me.”

“See, you need the day off. We can talk about better things, like, you know, your new hunky man.” Wyla looks to be genuinely trying to brighten the subject.

“No, I need to go in, I’ll be off tomorrow. Why don’t we do dinner here tomorrow? I’ll cook, and we can talk all about my hunky man.” I hold out my hands imitating the size of his dick.

“Oh lord almighty. I need one of those.” Waverley fans herself.

“You are going to make us wait that long, no way. Why not tonight?” Wyla raises her eyebrows, fully aware of why I don’t want to do it tonight, but I know she just wants me to say it out loud.

“Because Graham is off again tonight before he works for the next two days so I was hoping…”

“You could have life-changing sex again.” Waverley says with her typical bluntness.

“Yes, I admit it. Now get out of here, I have got to go. I will see you tomorrow.” I push them out of my house and head to Crossroads.

Crossroads was buzzing all day, and as soon as the last customer leaves, I lock our doors and turn off the neon “open” sign. I head back to the kitchen, where Ivy has been holed up the whole time baking cupcakes. At peak rush we got an order for five dozen of her strawberry cupcakes.