“They broke up last week and tonight he decided that was a mistake, so he broke in and when she refused him, he attacked her. Paramedics say she has a mild concussion. They are looking at Flynn now. I think Winry broke his nose.”
A smile similar to mine threatens his face at the mention of her breaking his nose. Once Flynn is checked, we get our statement from Winry and are clear to take him in. But the thought of leaving Winry makes me sick. I walk in and lightly knock against the door. Winry hasn’t moved, and her mom has her wrapped up in blankets.
She turns to me slowly. “Graham,” she says as she stands up and walks over to me.
“I just want to let you know that we are taking him in. I wanted to make sure you are okay.”
“Yeah, I think my parents are going to stay here tonight. Thank you for saving me and then staying with me the whole time,” and unexpectedly she wraps her arms around me and nestles her head in my chest. I know her dad is watching, but I don’t care. I pull her in tightly and breathe her in. She always smells fruity and sweet, like peaches and honey.
Finally, we release each other. “I’ll check on you tomorrow, okay?”
She nods as I walk out the door.
The rest of the night drags by, and I can’t focus. All I can think about is her face when she first called my name. After tonight I don’t think I can push back my feelings anymore. I like Winry, and I want to do something about it.
When I get off work Friday morning, I go check on Winry. I knew I wanted to ask her out, but it seems that her parents are still here and one of her sisters answers the door. So, I decide to push it off.
“Oh, hi. Winry, Graham is here,” Waverley hollers.
“Waverley Dawn, I told you to stop yelling. Your sister has a headache,” her mom whisper shouts.
Waverley steps aside as Winry comes to the door. She looks effortlessly beautiful in the same beer t-shirt she wore the first time we met, a pair of pajama shorts, and fuzzy socks. “Hey, I wanted to check in and make sure you were doing all right.”
“Well, how sweet is that, Win?” Waverley says with a giant smile on her face.
“I think I will talk to you out here.” Winry steps out the door, pulling it closed behind her.
“Thank you for coming to check on me. I love my family, but they are driving me crazy.”
“I know the feeling,” I give her a sympathetic laugh. “Are you okay? I heard your mom say you have a headache.”
“Just a small one, I took some medicine, and I am having Abigal cover my shifts at work today and tomorrow.”
“Good, good.” I shove my hands in my pockets and rock on my feet. “So, listen…”
“Oh Graham, you’re here. Great.” Winry and I both turn to see her dad standing at her door. “So nice of you to come check on Winry. I didn’t know you were neighbors.” His tone is neutral. I can’t tell if he appreciates that I am here or hates it.
“Dad,” Winry looks like she could kill him.
“Are you coming to the cookout tomorrow?” He avoids her glare and stares solely at me.
“Yes, sir. I will be there,” I reply. Why am I sweating?
“Great,” he says flatly. “Winry, your mom has finished breakfast, why don’t you come back in?”
“Okay. Graham, would you like to come in for some breakfast?”
I look at her then look at her dad, my chief. Why does he look like he likes me and hates me at the same time? “Um, that’s okay, I should probably get some sleep. I just wanted to make sure you were okay first.”
“Thank you, Graham. I’m feeling okay, I promise.”
“Okay, good,” I study her for a moment. I want to reach out and touch her, but I don’t. I step back, give her dad an awkward nod, and make my way back to my apartment.
Chapter 10
Imakeitthroughthe night Friday without sneaking over to Winry’s place. I’m dying to see her again, but based off how many times I looked out the window for their cars to leave, Winry’s parents stayed the night again. By morning, I can’t stand it anymore. I have to talk to her before I can even think about sleeping. I shoot off a message to Owen.