Page 22 of Feel It All

Me: Think you can get Winry’s number for me?

I wait for what feels like forever for a reply.

Owen: Okay, I got it, care to tell me why you want it?

I roll my eyes. Why does he have to be so nosey?

Me: I just wanted to check on her, and her parents still haven’t left.

Owen: Scared of her parents or something? I mean, if you are going over there with pure intentions what would be the harm?

Me: Send. Me. Her. Number.

He finally sends her number; I save it and send her a message.

Me: Hey, it’s Graham. I got your number from Owen. I just wanted to check on you.

Winry: I’m good other than my family won’t leave my house. I feel fine now, no headaches or dizziness but I can’t even walk to the kitchen without them being my shadow.

Me: Are you still coming to the cookout tonight?

Winry: Yeah, I will be there. My parents won’t let me drive, so I will ride with them. Will you take me home? I love them but I can’t handle them at my place anymore ha.

Me: Of course. I’ll see you tonight.

I smile at her message; I am way too excited for this cookout to end and it hasn’t even started yet.

I arrive at the Bennett home right at six. They live about ten minutes away; that’s ten minutes alone with Winry at the end of the night. The house is small, but when I walk around the back there is a nice back porch, and the yard is pretty big. I’m greeted by Winry’s mom first.

“Oh, Graham, I don’t think I have officially introduced myself. I’m Isabel, Winry’s mom, but I’m sure you knew that part. I am so glad you could make it.” She opens her arms wide and wraps me in a hug. “Listen, I wanted to thank you for taking care of Winry the other night. I think it shook her up more than she cares to admit. I know it helped you being there.”

“Hey, Mrs. Bennett, I was there too. Where is my hug?” I see Owen making his way toward us.

“Owen West, you are a mess. Come here, sugar.” She wraps him in a hug too. “All right now boys, you have a good time. Graham, I think Winry is over there at one of the tables,” she walks away winking at me.

“See, everyone can see it,” Owen smirks.

I give him a light shove in response and make my way over to where she is. I see her sitting with her sisters over on the opposite side of the yard. I take a moment to take her in. She is wearing some black high-top Converses, cutoff shorts, a white ACPD t-shirt, and has a black flannel tied around her waist. Her hair is down in her usual waves, with one side tucked behind her ear. She throws her head back laughing at something her sisters say, and I am mesmerized. I want to hear her laugh and see her smile all the time. I know she can feel me staring at her; she turns to me, still smiling, and waves me over.

I walk over and take the seat next to her, and Owen pulls a chair over next to me. I was so wrapped up in looking at Winry that I didn’t even know he was behind me.

“Hello, ladies,” Owen greets the sisters.

“Owen, what are you doing here?” Waverley snaps.

“Oh, come on now, firecracker. You know you missed me.”

“I told you to stop calling me that,” Waverley snaps back at him.

“All right, I feel like I am missing something,” I lean over to Winry.

“Well, their relationship is complicated,” she replies.

“No, no, no relationship here, I just can’t stand him,” Waverley says, annoyed. Her arms are crossed and gives Owen her best evil eye.

“Wav here is just upset that she can’t have me,” Owen teases but Waverley is not amused.

“No, like I said, I just can’t stand you.”