Not at Bellamy, but at how truthful it is. That anger is enough to make me nod my head in agreement.
“Yes, I’d be okay with that. If Lawson wants to, you can’t make him do it,” I explain, and he shakes his head.
“This was Lawson’s idea. He wanted me to talk to you about it. I told him I didn’t want to push you, he just told me to ask so I did. I’m glad I did too. I’ll let him know,” He holds my hand, and squeezes.
I smile at him. Bellamy’s friends are almost as caring as he is, which is incredibly hard to do.
“Where are we going?” I change the subject.
We’ve been in the car for a while, and I don’t recognize where we are at all.
“Somewhere that I added to the list. A date of choice if you will.”
My stomach flips, “That’s against the rules.”
He looks completely unphased, “So was having sex in an unromantic way but we did, and having sex more than once, but we did that too. I’ve also been adding things to your undetailed list since we started. Rules are for losers.”
The mention of sex makes my cheeks heat up. Why am I embarrassed to talk about sex with Bellamy? Maybe because he’s so good at it? Maybe because he knows he’s good too. Maybe it’s because the people I have sex with never speak to me after, and I have never in my life had to face someone who gave me an orgasm. Maybe that’s it.
“Fine, carry on,” I motion, and he turns off the road, and my eyes scan the area around us.
It’s dark outside now, and there’s not much happening around us, we’re practically in the middle of nowhere.
“Are you going to kill me?” I ask and he laughs. “This was your plan, a cute date, and then homicide?”
He doesn’t stop laughing.
“There were easier ways to kill me, you didn’t have to romance me first. An ax to the head would have sufficed.”
He shakes his head, parking the rusty old Jeep in the middle of an empty field.
“I’m not killing you, and I have no plans to,” He speaks through his spouts of laughter.
“Yet,” I say and he nods with a smile.
It hasn’t felt weird since he picked me up, and I was afraid it would after the past day. He’s good at making me feel comfortable though, and that’s a huge part of why I haven’t run away screaming.
“A date to nowhere?”
He turns his car off, getting out. I don’t move, waiting for him to open the door for me. He does, and helps me out, keeping my hand in his as he goes to his trunk. He takes out not one but multiple large quilts and blankets. He nods his head to the pillows, and I grab them, following him to the front of the Jeep. He starts spreading things out and makes a giant palette for the two of us. I’m still confused until I hear it. The engine of a plane, loud over us. It looks like a star as it passes over, and I realize just where we are. The airport is near… It has to be.
“See now?” He asks as I sit down on the plush blankets.
“Where did you find this place?” I look up at the sky as Bellamy sits next to me.
“Freshman year on the team, all the seniors used to come out here and get drunk... They’d get all of us drunk actually. Which isn’t very romantic but that’s how I found it. Then I kept coming back every now and again because there was a good view of the planes coming in and out. I just thought it was nice.”
I feel a tinge of jealousy in my chest knowing there’s probably been other girls here before me. I see why, and I don’t fault him for bringing me either. It just annoys me when it shouldn't at all. I push the jealousy down.
“This isn’t from a romance movie,” I remind him.
“Do you know how many romance movies have a romantic airport scene? Do I need to list a few? Sleepless in Seattle, Love Actually, Garden State. There are probably a million more. We’ll just use one of those,” His knowledge of the movies only makes me more jealous.
I knew he had it but that mixed with the thought of him being romantic and bringing other girls here, I can’t help it. The taste is bitter in my mouth.
“Why do you look mad?”