I sit up,getting giddy, and emotionally ready for my favorite scene of the entire film. The reveal of who Blue is, and the infamous Ferris wheel kiss. My heart melts every single time. I watch with eager eyes. Sienna sits up too and reaches for my hand as we watch the cuteness overload ensue. God, I love love. Well, I love love when it’s in media form.
“God I need something sweet, cute, and perfect,” Sienna gushes, and I shake my head.
“This stuff just doesn’t ever happen, not in real life,” I shake my head.
“Okay miss pessimistic Debbie Downer. Who shit in your love soup?” She nudges me, and I shrug.
“Nobody. You can’t tell me this stuff has ever happened to you,” I look to her for an answer, and she groans, throwing the pillow at me once again.
I dodge it and watch it bounce on the grayish wood floors below us.
“No, it hasn’t but that doesn’t mean it won’t one day. Romance is not dead. Chivalry is… kind of not dead,” She argues.
“Romance is fictional only,” I push myself off of the couch, and grab my backpack from the floor. I drag it over to us and pick out a piece of paper from my notebook, ripping it out, and drawing a checklist. “I’m going to do my research, and make a list of the things in these movies that I've never in my life done, and I bet over the next week you won’t be able to check one off either. I’m not a pessimist. I’m a realist!” I argue, and write down*Ferris wheel kissat the top of the list.
“Fine, but just because I haven’t done them doesn’t mean I won’t one day. It doesn’t mean you won't either, you heartless bitch,” She keeps watching the movie, and I shake my head.
I’m a hopeless romantic in some ways, but not in the expected way. I love the romance, but hate how falsely it’s presented. Where is the heartbreak, and the hurt, and all the crying, and cheating, and breaking up? It’s hard to change my mind about stuff like this because it’s true, I’ve never experienced any of it, and it’s hard to imagine that I ever will.
Sienna might have beencorrect about my time management. Being late is the worst thing in the world. I mean that with everything inside of me; I hate it but as Sienna said, I always manage to end up late.
Today, it wasn’t my fault. Really, it wasn’t. I was going to be on time to class but then I got stopped by the manager of my apartment building who happens to be my boss, and he had a million and one things to say. I’m regretting working the front desk at the place I live because I have to see that persistent man every morning, inevitably making me tardy.
I’ve been up every single night for the past few days watching all of my favorite romantic comedies, and TV shows to complete this master list for Si. Because of that, I might have woken up a little bit later than planned today. It wouldn’t be that big of a deal under normal circumstances but this isn't a normal circumstance.
Most every class I take at Seattle Pike University is stadium style which means there are at least a hundred students. I wouldn’t be missed if I decided not to show up at all. This course, in particular, is one of the only ones I have that’s small, made up of only about thirty students. So if I’m not there, I’ll be marked absent. I will be there, just five minutes later than I should be, with sweat dripping down my back.No big deal.
I walk through the quad surrounded by trees, the math hall in perfect view in front of me. To my left is the street, lined with beautiful blooming magnolias, and cars of students. The other side of the street is lined with the same pretty grove along the sidewalk in front of one of the science buildings. Summer is here already. This is my last hour of lecturing before finals next week which means I must show up. I want to know everything that will be on this test, and Professor Gallen always tells us every detail.
I like school. I like it because it's the calm before the storm of the weekend. Yes, it’s stressful. Tests, books, and notes, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I’ve always been keen on going to class all throughout high school and college.
“Hey Kamryn,” One of the lacrosse players waves at me, I wave back, flashing a smile.
“Hey, Kam!” Another voice says.
I turn, and see Sienna coming right out of the doors I’m about to walk through.
“Hey, Si,” I wave to her as she bounces down the stairs.
“Do you need me to help you study tonight for your human anatomy class?” Sienna asks, and I shake my head in response.
“Nope, I’ve actually got it covered for once!” That’s the only class for my major that keeps me up at night.
Sports medicine wasn’t my dream when I was younger, but ever since middle school, I’ve never wanted anything more than to be on a field. Preferably a football field.
It didn’t matter what school I went to for sports med, but I chose this one because of my academic and in-state scholarships, and the fact that Seattle Pike University has some of the best sports teams in the country. Our football team, lacrosse teams, volleyball, and soccer. I knew I would get the most hands-on experience here considering we have a budget for every sports team. Hell, we even have a Quidditch team. It was also perfect because no one from my small high school decided to come here and it felt like a fresh start.
“Are you headed in for Professor Gallen?” Sienna asks, and I nod. “Good luck. This final is going to be hell.”
I sigh deeply at her words. “I’m late, and in trouble now. Great,” I joke.
“Are you going to come to Leah’s party with me tomorrow?” She passes me, turning around and walking backward as she awaits my answer.
“I don’t see why not… I’m late so I’ve got to run, but I’ll text you, we can ride together,” I smile at her and she walks off.