Page 4 of The List of Things

I charge the doors and walk to the end of the hall where our class is. It shouldn’t be such a big deal that I wasn’t here exactly at 10 A.M… other students aren’t on time more often than not but I already feel a small bit of embarrassment creeping up in my throat at the thought of everyone looking at me when I enter the room. I peer through the window in the door, and Professor Gallen is already at the front. I take a deep breath and open the door, knowing I just have to rip the bandaid off. Normally I’m partial to attention, but now… not so much. Just as I suspected, eyes turn from the professor to me. I give a close-lipped smile, slipping through desks to the empty one in the middle of the class.

“Thank you for showing up Ms. Hart,” Professor Gallen speaks.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I say under my breath.

I look up to see the only empty desk and, of course, the one behind it. I already see the smirk. His classic dimple is already formed on his cheek. Pearly white teeth, and a million-dollar smile. His gaze is already set on me.

Bellamy’s got a full head of sloppy brown hair that I know he does nothing with to make it look as good as it does which is annoying in and of itself. Just like the pretty bright blue color of his eyes. Bellamy Archer, quarterback, heartthrob, charmer, and complete annoyance. I haven’t seen him once since I tutored him a few days back, but he seems happier than ever to see me.

“I was starting to think I’d be missing that beautiful face of yours today.”

Bellamy has hardly ever been able to control the fact that he’s a grade-A flirt. I’ve been tutoring him since this semester started, and he hasn’t ceased his irrational flirting. I don’t mind it, but part of me thinks he’s a bit delusional because he’s never going to win this game.

“I don’t have time for you today Bellamy,” I whisper.

I feel a soft tug on my hair. I turn slightly. One of my lengthy black strands is curled around his long finger. I stare blankly at his annoyingly handsome face.

“Make time?” He gives an innocent smile, his cute dimple carving into his cheek.

Okay, I have a slight weakness for dimples.So what?I move my head forward, the strand of hair falling from his finger. I like Bellamy’s attention, but it’s distracting right now so I ignore him instead of replying.

Bellamy is probably one of the most sought-after guys on campus… and it’s a large campus. He’s like royalty here, him and his best friends and roommates Griffin and Lawson. Quarterback, running back, and wide receiver, like three peas in a pod. Though all of our teams are incredible, our football team really is the best that there is. National championships. Some of the highest-ranked players in the nation. The highest NFL draft rate too. If you play football, you come here. Everyone knows our team, and if you go to this school, you know Bellamy Archer, Lawson Bennet, and Griffin Jones. Especially since Bellamy is a shoo-in for the Heisman next year.

I watch Professor Gallen, trying not to get motion sick from his excessive hand movements today. He’s a great instructor, he just makes my head spin sometimes. I follow along, writing what’s important, and making a star in my notes by everything he says will be on the final. I’m ready as it is, but there’s no harm in going over the materials a few more times this weekend.

Class is over before I know it, and we’re even let out a little early which is great. I make my way toward the double doors leading to the quad.

“Hart! Hey, Hart!” Bellamy’s calls, with an obnoxious use of my last name.

I know that there’s no use in trying to outrun a football player. I stop and turn around. He jogs to me, coming to a slow stop right in front of me. I stare up at the tall man in front of me.,


He wears loose-fitting jeans that are cuffed at the ankles and a pair of Vans. He has on a white t-shirt that’s bigger on him but still shows off how muscular his chest and arms are. Part of his tattoo is peeking from the left sleeve of his shirt, it’s the only sign of ink he’s got on his body. He has on a backpack as well, with only one strap resting on his shoulder. My eyes roll over his body until they meet his eyes.

“Tutoring, I need you before the final,” He makes his demand, and I raise my eyebrows at him.

He looks at me, hesitates, and flashes a full smile, his perfect teeth revealed to me.

“Alright, fine. Tonight,” I offer, but he sucks in a sharp breath between his teeth.

“I can’t tonight I have-”

“Practice?” I already know what he’s going to say.

This is a common occurrence with him. This man might as well take a sleeping bag and rest his head on the football turf instead of his bed. The boys have all been off for the past three months from practicing from what I know, so I wonder why there’s practice tonight.

“How did you know?” He jokingly nudges my shoulder, and I glare at him.

I’m not easily annoyed by much, but Bellamy’s consistent joking is something that might get on my nerves more than I’d like to admit. He’s never serious, I don’t know if he’s capable of being serious unless it’s from a relationship standpoint.

“I’m glad you find this amusing, but tonight is all I’ve got. The final is on Monday,” I remind him.

“What about tomorrow?” He asks.

“Party that I refuse to miss because I’m tutoring your sorry ass.”

His jaw drops. “How rude,” He jokes.