“TWO TIMES?” I scream, and her eyes widen.
“Did I forget to tell you that part?” She asks and I scoff.
“Oh, you are such a hypocrite,” I roll my eyes but keep the smirk on my lips. “Tell me, was his dick bigger the second time?” I ask and Sienna rolls her eyes now.
“For someone who has had sex at least a million times, you should know the anatomy of a male better than I do. No, it was just as big as it was the first time,” She shakes her head and I smile.
“It’s at least a billion times at this point and I don’t know if it gets bigger the second time. I normally only see them once and chase them away,” I clarify.
“Well, you didn’t chase one of them away,” She raises her eyebrows and I shrug my shoulders, and shake my head.
“I don’t know about that,” I watch and she sighs.
“I guess we’ll see tomorrow at summer sessions,” She gives me a smile and I smile back. I’m happy to be reunited with my best friend. However, I'm not so happy about the sinking feeling in my stomach. I’m nervous about summer sessions. I’m more nervous to see Bellamy. Especially because I never told him I was coming back.
Sienna drivesme to the football field, inevitably making me feel like I’m being dropped off for the first day of school. I am fully capable of driving myself. But the thought of being behind the wheel right now with my nerves seems like it would be not only a danger to me, but to everyone else on the road, and innocent pedestrians as well. I look at the stadium in front of me, my stomach turning. I would have turned myself around and gone home had I driven myself here.
“I think I’m going to throw up,” My thoughts are on Bellamy, and the thought of proving myself to coach and the rest of the boys. I barely slept last night thinking about it.
“As long as you don’t do it in my car, and don’t puke in front of the team, I think that’s a normal thing to feel,” She slightly chuckles.
“I didn’t tell him I was coming back. I didn’t text him once while I was home, I didn’t even know what to say. I just feel so much when it comes to Bellamy. I can’t put it into words,” I tell her.
“I know, but it’s not about Bellamy right now. It’s about summer sessions and wrapping the players, and learning from professionals. And doing it before the scouts show up, and before the coach has your head for being late, so go. Worry about your stupid jock later,” Sienna physically shoves my shoulder and I groan.
“What if I-”
“I swear to god if you say you’re not going to go I will physically drag you to the field by your hair. Get. Out,” She raises her eyebrows and I know just how serious she is.
Memories replay in my head from when I was going to tell Bellamy I would do the list. How we had a similar conversation before that. I sigh.
“Fine,” I grab my things, a giant duffle bag of supplies, and my phone as well.
“Tell me how things go when you’re home. I’ll be over asap if you need me, alright?” She asks and I nod as I climb out of the car.
Sienna drives away and I take a deep breath, heading to the steps and down them toward the players who are already on the field warming up.
“There you are, Hart. I thought you were going to be late,” Coach Corbin says when he sees me.
I saw in the football forum on social media that they made the coach pull younger sports medicine students. They get to take notes and observe all summer. I wish that was a thing when I was their age. I see the bright eyed upcoming sophomores and juniors. Then I see Bellamy’s head turn at the mention of my name. I keep my eyes on the coach, not looking over to Bell right away. My stomach is in knots.
“On my first day? I wouldn’t even think of it,” There’s a wide smile on my face.
It’s forced, but the coach doesn’t know that. He doesn’t need to know that. I’m only forcing it because of how nervous I am. I’m forcing it because if I don’t smile I might puke on the field in front of everyone. I can’t fuck this up.
“Set up on the side near the benches. I see you brought your things, but there are more over there. This is Tamara and Danica. They’ll be teaching you for the entire season,” He motions to the two beautiful women standing on the sidelines.
They wave to me.
“Boys! Get wrapped now!” The coach calls and they listen instantly, a few boys heading toward where I’m walking to.
“I’m Danica. Coach Corbin told me that you have a very good eye, and you’ve worked hard. I’ll do the first few, and then you can jump in after if you feel comfortable,” She instructs.
I nod, letting her start. Parker Thompson smiles at me, and I give him a thumbs up as she wraps him. Parker has light facial hair and it’s perfectly managed. His hair is a dusty brown color, and a curled mess, but it fits well with his light green eyes. He looks so excited, and I can only imagine the anxiety he’s feeling. Danica is perfect, and precise in the way she moves. I want to be just like that. I watch for a few more players, and then she steps to the side.