Archie shrugs. “So? He’s hot as fuck, what’s your point?”
I look down at myself, the body hidden behind my flowy summer dress. I love my body for everything it’s done and the world it’s given me, but it’s far from perfect. “How do I stack up to someone who looks like that?”
Archie and Marco exchange a look, and Marco nods. “She’s one of those girls who doesn’t realize she’s gorgeous.”
“I hate when she does this.” Archie sighs and takes me by the shoulders. “You, Rosie Wells, are beautiful. On the outside and the inside too. Any man would trip over his own two feet to get a smile from you, and it sounds like Adam’s done exactly that.”
“You had a baby,” Marco adds. “That doesn’t make you worth any less.”
“I’m not as thin as I used to be. And my scar—”
“Your scar is a badass badge of honor for having a lifeyoucreated carved right out of you. And your stretch marks are tiger stripes, Rosie. You are strong. You are fierce. You are perfect, just the way you are.” Marco sweeps my bangs aside. “Don’t doubt that the right person won’t see that, because he will.”
“Comparing yourself to others won’t get you anywhere. It’s a useless way to spend your energy.” Archie taps my nose and winks. “And you need to reserve that, because it sounds like Adam might be able to go all night.”
I slap his hand away. “It doesn’t matter, because I definitely can’t. I passed out in his truck on the way home from our date on Wednesday.”
Marco sighs wistfully. “There’s just something about a man who drives a truck.”
Archie’s brows pull down. “I drive a truck.”
Marco waves him off. “Please, Rosie. Wear the two-piece. The bottoms are high-waisted, they show off your curves, and Adam will be drooling.”
I nibble my lip as I examine the yellow suit with little white daisies. “You really think so?”
“I know so. Now let’s touch up those toenails.”
A touch-up becomes a complete redo, and Marco even adds daisies to match my bikini, something I don’t notice until I’m done, because I’m too engrossed with thoughts of Adam.
He was a dream with Connor on Thursday. I wasn’t surprised, I guess, but Iwassurprised he was so nonchalant about the news. The man didn’t even bat an eye, just got down to Connor’s level and introduced himself before taking my hand and pulling us to the park. I didn’t expect it to be so easy, but I’m ashamed that I’m still here, kind of…waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Fuck, I hope there’s not another shoe.
My phone pings as I check my hair for the hundredth time, and I scoop it up, eager to see if it’s Adam on his way over.
u need to come get connor. something’s wrong with him.
My heart thuds a quick, anxious beat as I wait way too long for my son’s father to pick up the phone he texted me from just seconds ago.
“Are you on your way?” he grumbles in greeting, and my chest tightens at the sound of Connor’s cries in the background.
“What’s wrong? Is he okay?”
“I donno.”
“What do you mean you don’t know? You said something’s wrong. Is he sick?”
Brandon groans, like the conversation is exhausting him. “I don’t fucking know, Rosie. He’s just not right. He won’t stop crying.”
“Have you tried holding him?”
“He doesn’t wanna be held.”
“Did he eat lunch?”
“We had some Timbits.”