Page 42 of Unravel Me

“Timbits aren’t—” I take a deep breath and let it go, reeling in my frustration. “He might be hungry still. Can you make him a sandwich? Cut up some fruit for him?”

“He’s not fucking hungry, Rosie, he’s just miserable. I need you to come get him; he’s driving me nuts.”

“Please don’t say things like that in front of him.”

“He’s a baby. He doesn’t know what I’m saying.” Brandon sighs. “Look, are you coming or not?”

“I’m coming,” I mumble, grabbing the folded stroller from the front closet, slipping quietly out the door before Archie and Marco can catch me and force me to put my foot down, to remind Brandon that he’s supposed to have Connor until tomorrow evening, that he needs to step up and be a parent.

Instead, I type out a message I don’t want to send.


I’m so sorry, Adam. I have to cancel today. I hope we can reschedule.

The second I step out of the elevator, my phone rings. Adam’s name lights my screen, and I steel my spine before I answer it.

“Hey, you.”

“Hey, trouble. Everything okay?” There’s a gentleness to his voice, one that’s always there, even when his flirty side flies free.

“Yeah, totally.” I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head, before pushing through the front doors into the warm breeze. “No, not really. I don’t know. Connor’s having a rough day, I guess. His dad wants me to come get him.”

“I’m sorry he’s struggling today.” He pauses a moment. “Does he like to swim?”

“You want me to…to bring him?”

“I want to spend the rest of the day with both of you. Is that okay?”

“No. I mean, yes. Yes, of course it’s okay. It’s just…no one’s ever…I…”

“Are you going to get him now?” Adam asks, taking away the pressure to give my spiraling thoughts a voice. “Do you need a ride?”

“Brandon’s only a ten-minute walk away.”

“Okay, well, I can pick you and Connor up in about a half hour if you want to go home and grab his swimsuit and whatever else you need.”

“No, I can’t…I mean, I don’t have a car seat for him. We walk or bus everywhere.” I sigh, rubbing my eyes. This doesn’t feel like it’s going to work. “And he needs a nap, so I’d have to bring his playpen, but he might not sleep well in a different environment, and it just…I don’t know, Adam. Maybe today isn’t a good day.”

“Hey.” His quiet, patient voice stills my racing thoughts. “I’ve got a playpen for when my friend’s daughter is over. Connor can lie down here if you’re comfortable with that. I know you like routine, so if you aren’t ready to change things, I understand. But I would love to see you two, so if you want to give this a try for a day, just know that I’m here.”

My feet stop moving, and I ground myself in the moment. I feel the smooth, fake leather of the stroller handle in my fist, the hot sunshine on my cheeks, the warm breeze brushing through my hair. I see the way my dress sways gently, hear Adam’s patient, soft breath in my ear as he waits.

“Okay,” I finally say.


“We’ll come. We’ll try it.” There’s a whoosh of breath on the other side of the phone, and I smile at his relief. My own relief comes at his next words, the excitement that bleeds through so vividly.

“Fuck yeah, Rosie!”

* * *

He’s exactly where I expected him to be. Both of them are, actually.

I storm by Brandon, sitting on his couch with his feet up on his coffee table, tipping a beer back while he watches baseball, and I scoop Connor out of the playpen he’s reaching for me from, crying and screaming.

“How long has he been in there for?” I ask as Connor lays his sopping cheek on my chest, grabbing a fistful of my hair as he settles himself with deep breaths.