She closed her eyes and focused on the chirping of the birds in the trees opposite, the chatter and laughter of people visiting the fete a murmur in the background.


Opening her eyes, she sighed. ‘Do we have to do this? Here? Now? You’ve said all you wanted to and I can’t change how I feel.’ She looked down at her crepe turning cold in her hand and folded down a little of the cardboard envelope it had been given to her in. ‘I felt abandoned. All this time I believed I hadn’t been worthy of your love, of anyone’s love. And now you tell me it’s because you found out you had a daughter and couldn’t trust me to make my own decision as to whether to stick by you or not?’

‘No.’ Rob looked down at the floor and ran his hand across his face before meeting her gaze. ‘Yes, I suppose you’re right. At the time, I’d just felt so overwhelmed by it all. Realising I had to start again, that I was suddenly responsible for this whole other person, Ava. I panicked. I didn’t know how my life would turn out and I didn’t want to make you give up yours for me.’

Carmen rolled her eyes.

Stepping forward, Rob leaned against the wall next to her. ‘I messed up. I was scared. When I broke things off with you, I was scared. I didn’t know what the future held. For me, for Ava. And when the dust had settled, when I’d found my feet again, realised that actually I could do this whole full-time dad thing and not mess it up completely, I assumed I’d be too late. I assumed you’d have moved on. I didn’t want to be that person who comes knocking on their ex’s door assuming you’d fall into my arms.’ He smiled, a quick upturn of the lips.

‘I didn’t date anyone else, you know.’ She mumbled as she looked down at her crepe.

‘I’m sorry if that was my fault. I didn’t mean to make you feel unworthy. I loved you. I just didn’t want to put you in an impossible situation. I didn’t think it was fair on you.’

She pinched the bridge of her nose. She didn’t know what to think anymore.

‘I haven’t dated either. Not since you.’ Turning, he leaned his shoulder against the wall and looked at her. ‘I know the breakup was my fault. I see that I should have told you, given you a choice in the matter, but that still didn’t stop me from missing you.’ He took a deep breath. ‘If it means anything, I’m glad we’ve run into each other again.’

Looking at him. She smiled. ‘Me too.’ And she was.

Chapter Eleven

‘Thank you.’ Carmenpassed the last of the cookies across the stall to a man and his son.

‘No, thank you. It looks as though you’re almost sold out.’

‘Yes, pretty much.’ She waved to the small boy as he held his hand up to his dad for his cookie. Now the cookies were all gone, all that was left were five doughnuts and half a dozen rolls. Harry, Diane’s partner, had turned up and he, Diane, Teresa and Elsie were sipping coffee from takeaway cups. She’d downed hers as soon as Harry and Rob had brought them back from the ice cream and drinks van which had parked just outside the gates half an hour ago. Most of the other stalls were packing away or had already left. Carrie was helping four children finish up painting small cat figurines on her stall whilst Daniel chatted to her, and Flora from The Wagging Tails Dogs’ Home was packing away the raffle stall with Rob whilst Ginny walked the two dogs around the playing field with an excited Pippa and Ava in tow.

‘Can I take the last of your rolls, please?’ The man who had served them the crepes earlier pulled some money from his pocket.

‘Of course.’ Carmen stepped forwards and began bagging up the remaining rolls.

‘Actually, could I take the doughnuts as well?’

‘Yes.’ Carmen passed over the paper bag bulging with rolls and a cake box holding the doughnuts. ‘Thank you.’