‘Is that it, love? Have we sold out?’ Elsie placed her takeaway cup on the edge of the stall.

‘Yep. All sold.’ Carmen grinned. She’d enjoyed the day. Being out in the sunshine surrounded by happy people. Yes, there’d been the blip when she and Rob had had their serious chat, but even so, she’d enjoyed herself and she felt as though she’d finally understood his decisions. She looked across to Rob as he helped pack away the last of the leftover raffle prizes and shook her head. Yes, things could have been so different if they’d just communicated with one another all those years ago. Heck, they might well still have been together, but now she understood his reasons behind the way he’d behaved, she could finally acknowledge that she wasn’t to blame, that she had been good enough. It had really just been a case of bad timing.

‘See you, Flora.’ Rob raised his hand as he walked back towards the bakery stall. ‘Now, where’s Ava got to?’

‘She’s still helping Ginny walk the dogs with Pippa.’ Elsie nodded towards the three of them and the dogs as they walked back across the field towards them.

‘Ah, she’d adopt one or ten if it was her decision.’ Rob chuckled.

‘You don’t like dogs?’ Carmen frowned. She was sure he always had. Maybe something had happened to put him off them.

‘Oh, I do, but with the hours I work, I just don’t think it’d be feasible.’ Rob shrugged. ‘Maybe one day.’

‘Aw, I’m getting that from mine too. Rueben, Toby and Pippa are all desperate for a dog.’ Teresa shook her head before looking at Elsie. ‘Maybe you could get one and all our kids could just come and visit?’

Elsie chuckled. ‘Not likely. Maybe when I retire.’

‘You’re not thinking of retiring, are you, Elsie?’ Diane looked at her, her face ashen.

‘No, no. Don’t worry, Diane, love. I have no plans as of yet.’ Elsie drew Diane in for a hug and kissed her on top of her hair. ‘You’re stuck with me for a few years yet, I’m afraid.’

‘Good! You scared me then!’ Diane laughed and took a sip of her coffee.

‘And talking about working. I suppose we’d best get this lot packed away...’ Elsie looked across at Harry. ‘Or should I say, I’ll get this packed away while you lot go and terrorise poor Seb.’

Harry looked across at the bouncy castle as Seb helped the last of the children off the castle. ‘We can’t leave you to tidy up.’

‘Oh yes, you can. Go on, be off with you.’ Elise waved Harry away.

Taking one last look at Elsie, Harry grinned and held his hand out towards Diane.

‘No chance, you’re not getting me on there.’ Diane crossed her arms and shook her head.

‘Aw, come on.’ Harry shifted from foot to foot.

Sighing, Diane looked across at Carmen. ‘Okay, if she does.’

‘Whoa, I can’t go on the bouncy castle.’ Carmen laughed.

‘Why not? It’ll be fun.’ Harry grinned.

Elsie sighed dramatically and shook her head. ‘What are you lot like?’ Cupping her hands around her mouth she called, ‘Pippa, Ava, come on over here.’

Pippa fussed over the two dogs in turn before taking Ava’s hand and running towards them. ‘Yes, Elsie?’

‘Will you two take this lot on the bouncy castle?’

Pippa widened her eyes and grinned. ‘Really?’


‘Mummy too?’ Pippa looked at Teresa.

‘Not me, Pippa. I’m helping Elsie, but Harry and Diane are going on.’ Teresa quickly bent down and picked up an armful of boxes from beneath the stall.

‘Yay! Harry’s going on the bouncy castle?’ Pippa clapped her hands together.

‘Of course I am, Pip Squeak.’ Harry grinned. ‘Diane’s coming too.’