
KICKING THE FOOTBALLback to Toby, Carmen grinned.

‘Good shot, Carmen.’ Toby called from near where they’d laid their jumpers down to make a goal.


‘We can still win, Elsie and Pippa. We’re only two goals down.’ Rueben called as he intercepted the ball from Toby. ‘Ready, Pippa?’

Pippa looked up from where she was making daisy chains and called, ‘Yes. Ready,’ as the ball flew past her and splashed into the pond.

‘Oh, Pippa.’ Rueben sighed.

‘Sorry, but look what I made you.’ Standing up, Pippa walked towards Rueben and held out a chain of daisies, seemingly oblivious to the game they’d been playing.

‘Don’t worry. Thanks, Pippa.’ Taking the daisy chain, Rueben jogged towards the pond. ‘How are we going to get it out?’

‘Why don’t you and Toby go and see if you can find a big stick and we can hook it out?’ Elsie pointed towards the trees lining the field.

‘Okay.’ Rueben turned and jogged towards the trees. ‘Come on, Toby.’

‘Oops. I didn’t mean to miss it.’ Pippa walked over towards the pond before slumping down in the long grass surrounding it and pulling out some more daisies.

‘Don’t worry, love.’ Elsie knelt down next to her. ‘Aren’t they pretty?’

‘Yes. Can I take some back for Mummy?’

‘Of course you can, love.’

Pippa looked up at Elsie and pouted. ‘Do I have to go back to the holiday club tomorrow? Can’t I stay with you and help at the bakery?’

‘Why don’t you want to go back?’ Carmen picked a buttercup and passed it to Pippa.

‘Thanks. It just makes me feel sad that Mummy isn’t here.’

‘Oh, Pippa, love. Mummy will be back very soon. But, yes, you can stay and help us in the bakery tomorrow if that will make you feel happier.’ Elsie tucked a loose strand of Pippa’s hair back into her ponytail.

‘Thank you, Nana Elsie.’

‘You’re very welcome. Look, here come Rueben and Toby with a big stick. Shall we have a go at rescuing the football?’

Pippa shrugged. ‘Can I carry on picking flowers instead?’

‘Okay, love.’

‘Will this be long enough?’ Ruben held up a long stick.

‘I should think so. We’ll give it a go, anyway.’ Elsie walked to the edge of the pond and gripped hold of Rueben’s arm as he tried to jab the ball with the stick.

‘It’s not budging.’

‘It’s not, is it?’ Elsie shook her head.

‘Look! It’s Ava.’ Standing up, Pippa waved her hands above her head. ‘Ava! Over here, Ava!’

Glancing across the field, Carmen watched as Rob and Ava made their way towards them and waved before looking back at Rueben. ‘Shall I have a go? I think I might be able to stand on that fallen log to get a bit closer.’

‘Okay, thanks.’ Rueben passed the stick to Carmen.