Chapter Eighteen

‘Are you sure you don’tmind me tagging along to the nature reserve?’ Carmen pulled her trainers on.

‘Of course not, love. It’ll be lovely to have you come.’ Elsie shrugged into her cardigan before turning around and calling up the stairs to the flat above the bakery. ‘Let’s get a wriggle on, kids. Ian said dinner will be ready in an hour.’

‘Coming.’ Pippa bounded down the stairs, closely followed by her two brothers.

‘Have you got your football, Rueben?’ Elsie picked up her car keys.

‘It’s in the courtyard.’ Rueben tied his laces.

‘Okay, great. We’ll pick that up on the way to the car then, love.’ Elsie looked around the small hallway. ‘Everyone ready?’

‘Yes.’ The children chorused together as they jumped up from putting their trainers on.

‘Great. Let’s go.’ Elsie smiled and held the door into the bakery open.

Carmen checked her mobile before slipping it into her pocket and following Elsie, Rueben, Toby and Pippa through the empty bakery and into the kitchen.

As they walked through the kitchen and out into the courtyard, Carmen heard the beep of her phone indicating a message had come through. Pulling her mobile from her pocket, she read the message.

Have you had time to think about my offer yet? Adele xxx

She sighed and switched her mobile off. She’d message her back later. Now, though, she was looking forward to going to the nature reserve with Elsie and Teresa’s three children. Shutting the kitchen door behind her, she paused and picked up Rueben’s football, which lay abandoned by the metal garden table and chairs in the middle of the courtyard. ‘I’ve got your football, Rueben.’

‘Thank you.’ Rueben slowed his pace to take the ball. ‘Are you going to play football with us?’

Carmen laughed. ‘I’ll give it a go, but I haven’t played since I went to school.’

‘Cool.’ Rueben called to Elsie. ‘Elsie, you’ll play football too, won’t you?’

‘I don’t see why not.’ Elsie held the gate open for them and clicked her car unlocked. ‘As long as I don’t have to go in goal again.’

‘Nah, I’ll go in goal. I want to work on my goal-saving tactics.’ Rueben jumped into the car.

‘That’s a good idea.’ Elsie chuckled and looked across at Carmen. ‘I don’t mind as long as I don’t have to be the one having footballs flying at my head.’

‘I don’t blame you. I don’t fancy that either.’ Carmen laughed. It had been fun having the three of them staying at Elsie and Ian’s. Chaotic, cramped and loud, but good fun. As Elsie had said, the children had been more than happy to sleep in the living room on the sofa and on blow-up beds, and each evening they’d had a movie night with popcorn and cupcakes at Pippa’s request. The flat would seem very quiet when Teresa returned and took them home.

‘Are we there yet?’ Pippa tapped Carmen on the shoulder.

Carmen turned around in the passenger seat and smiled. ‘Umm, I’ve never been to the nature reserve before, but we’ve only just turned out of the lane from behind the bakery, so I think we’ve got a little while yet.’

‘Elsie, how much longer have we got?’

‘Not far, love. Why don’t you look out of the window and count how many blue cars you can see?’

‘Will the winner get a prize?’ Pippa placed the palms of her hands on the side window and squashed her nose against the glass.

Elsie chuckled and shrugged. ‘Why not? The person to see the most blue cars can have a cookie after dinner.’

‘Oh, but I want a cookie too.’ Pippa frowned.

‘You’d best start counting then, love.’ Elsie turned to Carmen and lowered her voice. ‘They’ve all got cookies for pudding today. Ian’s making some chocolate orange ones, but at least this should keep Pippa quiet for a few moments.’

Carmen laughed.