‘What?’ Diane widened her eyes.

‘You, asking Carmen to lead a yoga class tomorrow morning before we open. Exercise and early mornings are two things you hate the most.’

Diane crossed her arms. ‘Yes, well. I’m determined to try new things every once in a while.’

‘Good, good. I’m proud of you.’ Chuckling, Elsie drew her in for a hug.

‘Thank you.’ Diane grinned. ‘I’ll be there. I promise.’

‘It looks as though our lull was short-lived.’ Elsie nodded towards the door as a crowd of people entered the bakery. ‘I’ll go and jump behind the coffee and cake counter so Brooke can go on her lunch break.’

‘Have you heard any more from Teresa?’ Diane opened a paper bag ready to serve.

‘She rang to see how the kids were yesterday. She’s hoping to be back in a couple of days.’ Elsie tapped the counter. ‘Touch wood, everything looks positive in regards to her brother.’

‘That’s something then.’ Carmen smiled.

‘Yes, yes, it is.’ A loud ringtone pierced through the general hubbub of the bakery, and Elsie pulled her mobile from her apron pocket before frowning and moving away.

‘I hope everything’s okay and it’s not Teresa ringing to say her brother’s condition has worsened or anything.’ Diane looked across at Elsie before turning back to her customer. ‘Sorry, what was it you asked for?’

‘Two pasties, please?’

‘Coming up.’

Carmen waited as her customer tried to make a decision.

‘Sorry, I’m going to have to run out.’ Elsie hurried behind the counter and slipped her apron off. ‘That was the children’s holiday club on the phone. Pippa is upset and crying so I’m going to run over and bring her back here.’

‘Oh, bless her. Is she not feeling well?’ Carmen turned to face Elsie, her customer still choosing what to buy.

‘To be honest, I think she’s just missing her mum. I’ll leave Rueben and Toby there as they’re happily playing a game of football, apparently, and bring Pippa back. I’m sorry to leave when it’s getting busy again.’

‘Don’t worry. We’ll cope. I’ll pop over to the coffee and cake counter so Brooke can go for her lunch break, if you’ll be okay here, Carmen?’ Diane took the money from her customer.

‘Yes, of course. We’ll cope.’

‘Thank you both. I owe you.’ Elsie slipped her phone into her pocket and hurried out.