Chapter Seventeen

‘You look happy. Howwas your lunch break?’ Diane looked across from serving a customer.

Carmen slipped her apron back on. ‘It was good, thanks.’

‘Just good?’ Diane tilted her head and raised her eyebrows as she bagged up rolls.

‘Yes, why?’ Carmen held the palms of her hands against her cheeks, hoping the blush creeping across her face wasn’t showing.

‘Oh, you know. I heard you were meeting with a certain someone.’ Diane waved her customer off before turning and facing Carmen.

‘Ah. Yes, I met Rob. He took me out on a boat to watch some seals.’ She stepped forward and spoke to a customer. ‘Hi, what can I get you today?’

‘Three doughnuts please.’

Sidling up to her as she served, Diane lowered her voice. ‘Just as friends?’

Laughing, Carmen shook her head and passed across the doughnuts before looking at Diane. ‘No. We’ve actually decided to try things again. Take up where we left off four years ago. If we can. Kind of. We’ll try anyway.’

‘I thought so. I told Brooke I thought as much!’ Diane grinned, her eyes glistening. ‘After you’d come back into the pub quiz, I knew things had changed between the two of you!’

‘Yes, well, it’s really early days. But I hope we can make it work. We were good together before.’ Carmen smiled. She was sure theycouldmake it work. Yes, a long-distance relationship would be a bit of a pain and she assumed it would be her doing most of the travelling so as to keep things stable for Ava, but if things were meant to be, they’d find a way.

‘Aw, I’m really pleased for you. You seem right for each other.’ Diane rubbed Carmen’s arm before placing cupcakes in a cake box and turning to her customer. ‘You were lucky. These are our last ones.’

Carmen nodded towards the kitchen door as Elsie walked through, carrying a tray of freshly iced cupcakes. ‘How does Elsie always know what needs to be restocked and when?’

Diane laughed. ‘She seems to have a sixth sense about these things.’

‘Is everything okay out here?’ Elsie walked behind the counter and swapped the full tray with the empty one.

‘Yes, just about.’ Diane reached her arm across her chest and stretched. ‘My arm is aching, though. I think I must have slept on it funny.’

‘Oh, love, you should ask Carmen to show you a few yoga moves. That’s supposed to be great for aches and pains, isn’t it?’ Elsie rubbed Diane’s arm.

‘Yes. I can show you a couple if you like?’ Carmen took the money from a customer before looking towards the door. It looked as though they would be lucky enough to have a small lull today.

‘I might have an even better idea.’ Diane grinned. ‘How about you do a bakery yoga session on the beach tomorrow morning? It could be just before we open up so the baking will have been done and we can all join in.’

‘Oh, I don’t know...’ Carmen frowned. She was happy showing Diane a couple of stretches, but taking a class for the bakery team...

‘That would be a wonderful idea. Only if you’re comfortable, of course.’ Elsie smiled at her.

‘I guess I could.’ She nodded. That was her job. She led yoga classes back home, but even so, she saw these people as her friends. ‘I’ll apologise in advance if I mess up.’

‘I’m sure you won’t.’ Elsie looked across at Diane and shook her head. ‘You surprise me, you do.’