‘Oh okay. That makes sense. I’d better tidy these up and see if Elsie has anything else that needs bringing through.’ Teresa stacked the now-empty mugs on the tray.

‘Here, they come. Are you ready?’ Diane raised her eyebrows.

‘As I’ll ever be.’ Laughing, Heather took up her position behind the counter.

‘WOW, IT’;S BUSY HERE, isn’t it?’ Heidi sidled up to the counter.

‘Hi, again. Yes, it sure is.’ Heather looked at the queue in front of her. She’d been serving non-stop since their mid-morning lull and now with Brooke on her lunch break it had only seemed to be getting busier. ‘Are you back for more cakes?’

‘Nope not this time. I’ve come in for coffee with the people I work with. After finishing off the cakes this morning, they wanted to pop in for more during lunch break.’ She indicated atable by the window. ‘And I thought I’d just pop up and grab some rolls for tonight’s dinner please?’

‘We’re actually out of rolls at the moment.’ Heather looked at the empty bread baskets on top of the counter. ‘Elsie is bringing some out in a few minutes though so I can bring them across to you if you like?’

‘That’d be great, thanks.’ Grinning, Heidi made her way back to the table.

Heather turned to the next customer. ‘Hi, what can I get you?’

‘Could I have two of your cheese and onion pasties please?’

Nodding, Heather began bagging up the pasties.

‘All right you two, do you need some help behind here?’ Elsie replaced two empty spaces under the counter with trays of freshly baked doughnuts and cookies.

‘I think we’ll be okay. The end is in sight.’ Diane nodded towards the empty doorway, the customers now all patiently waiting in front of the counter rather than snaking onto the street. ‘Thank though.’

‘As long as your sure, loves. In that case, I’ll go and get those rolls out of the oven.’ Elsie picked up the break baskets before disappearing through the kitchen doors again.

‘There you go, two pasties.’ Heather passed the paper bag across the counter.

‘Thank you.’

‘Enjoy.’ Nodding to the customer, Heather turned to the next person.

‘Hey, Heather do you want to take your break now?’ Walking around the counter, Brooke pulled her apron over her head.

‘Okay, unless you do, Diane?’

‘No, I’m good for another hour. Thanks though.’ Diane grinned as she placed cupcakes into a cake box.

‘Here we go. Fresh rolls.’ Elsie placed the bread baskets, now full of warm rolls, the aroma of fresh bread quickly filling the bakery.

‘Thanks, Elsie.’ Brooke slid the bread baskets into position.

‘You’re welcome, love. You’ve got everything here for a bit?’

‘Yes, I think we’re pretty well stocked.’ Brooke smiled.

‘Good, good. I’ll go and finish up the cakes for the coffee and cake area now then.’ Elsie turned to Heather. ‘Are you off on your lunch break now, Heather, love?’

‘Yes.’ Nodding, Heather filled up a bag of rolls.

‘The café next door is nice, or there’s a chippy down the road. Obviously, you’re more than welcome to spend your breaks upstairs in the flat too. Help yourself to anything.’ Elsie tapped her hand.

‘Okay, thanks. I think I might go for a wander along the beach.’ Heather pulled her apron off before slipping her coat on and picking up the bag of rolls. ‘I’ll just go and. Give these to Heidi first.’

‘Okay, love. Enjoy your break.’

‘Thanks.’ Weaving her way through the customers, Heather walked towards the table by the window. She could see Heidi sitting by the window, a group of her colleagues sitting around her, pausing, Heather cleared her throat. ‘Hi, sorry to disturb you but I’ve got those rolls for you, Heidi.’