‘Yes, everyone who works here, apart from Elsie. She and Ian babysits Wendy’s little boy.’ She thanked her customer before turning back to Heather. ‘The other volunteers who have moved down here come out too, and their partners. In fact, most of the bakery family so it’s a really good night.’

‘The bakery family?’ Heather raised her eyebrows. How many volunteers had moved down here?

‘Yes, Elsie calls us all her bakery family.’ Diane grinned. ‘And before you ask, a fair few people who have volunteered here decide to stay on. Heidi was one of them, Brooke and Molly too. Even Teresa, Wendy and me, we all volunteered here before staying on.’

‘Oh really?’ Why would so many people end up staying?

‘Yes.’ Diane smiled. ‘There’s something about this place which just pulls you in. Or it did me anyway.’

Heather nodded as a group of people came through. So, Heidi hadn’t lived here before volunteering then? Nor the others who worked there. She shrugged. It must be nice to just be able to walk away and start over again. She’d certainly wished she could a few times since Jordan’s voicemail.

Chapter Three

‘Thanks for helping out with the baking this morning.’ Teresa balanced a tray of mugs on top of the counter and passed Heather one.

‘That’s okay. Sorry I was so rubbish.’ Heather grimaced. She wasn’t sure what had been worse, the burned to a crisp pasties or the bowlful of icing she’d dropped to the floor.

‘Nah, you were great.’ Smiling, Teresa handed out mugs to Diane and Brooke who had just finished serving. ‘It’s always great having an extra pair of hands. Things can get a bit crazy getting everything baked in time.’

‘Thanks, Teresa.’ Brooke wrapped her hands around her mug.

‘I’ll go and get Wendy and Molly. I’m sure I saw the couple they had a meeting with walk through a few minutes ago.’ Diane sipped a bit of her coffee before putting it on the counter.

‘Yes, you did. They bought a bag of rolls on their way out.’ Brooke took another mouthful of coffee. ‘What a crazy morning it’s been! I assumed it’d be fairly quiet after yesterday’s snow.’

‘Ah, yes, but the roads are clear now, so I guess people are worrying that they’ll be more snow on its way.’ Teresa leaned against the counter. ‘There’s not supposed to be though. The rest of the week is supposed to be getting warmer.’

‘How have you found the morning?’ Brooke looked at Heather.

‘Busy. I’ve loved it though. Everyone seems to be really friendly. I’ve had at least three customers comment that I’m new and ask my name.’ Heather took a sip of her coffee, thebittersweet liquid giving her a welcome kick after the early morning. She smiled as Diane returned with Wendy and Molly.

‘Aw, yes, people around here do seem to be lovely. I think most of our regulars know that Elsie has a lot of volunteers in too so they’re all very welcoming.’ Placing her mug down, Brooke shook her hair from her ponytail before tying it up again. ‘I’m glad you’re enjoying it.’

‘Yes, me too. I think this will be just the break I need.’ It might just be. Up until now, she hadn’t had the time to stop and think about Jordan, let alone have the luxury of getting her mobile out to listen to his message for the millionth time. Unlike in her normal job, especially with being self-employed, she’d found herself thinking more and more about the situation with Jordan and then having to stay up until midnight working on projects because she’d wasted the day moping.

‘That’s good. It was for me too. Although then I ran into my ex here so... yes.’ Molly laughed as she took her mug.

‘Did you? Is that why you stayed on?’ That was one thing she knew she definitely wouldn’t be doing—running into Jordan.

‘Yes, it is. He lives up the hill in the bay. Saying that though, the way I feel about this place now, even if I hadn’t met up with him again, I might well have been tempted to stay.’ Molly took a long drink.

‘You just love us, don’t you, Molly?’ Diane wrapped her arm around Molly’s shoulders.

‘Ha-ha, of course I do. I don’t know what I’d do without the bakery family now.’ Molly shrugged. ‘Apart from have a bit of peace and quiet.’

‘Oi!’ Laughing, Diane shook her head.

‘Yes, life would be very different if I hadn’t stayed here.’ Teresa looked out of the window. ‘Heads up, it looks as though we’re about to get busy. A coach has just pulled up in the car park by the restaurant.’

‘A coach load?’ Heather joined Teresa by the window.

‘Yes, I’m not sure why though. They’ll often be coach tours here if there’s something going on in the bay, but I didn’t think anything was.’ Teresa frowned.

‘There’s that thing in the village hall. I’m sure that’s today.’ Diane finished her coffee before heading back behind the counter.

‘What thing?’

‘Something to do with local crafters. A get-together or something, I’m not sure. Carrie mentioned something at the weekend.’ Diane turned towards Heather. ‘Carrie grew up here and came back a few months ago to volunteer. She lives here now and runs pottery lessons as well as selling things at local craft fairs and things like that.’