‘Hi. Yes, we have.’ Rushing forward, Diane took one of the trays.

‘No Wendy?’ Looking around the bakery, Elsie frowned. ‘I hope the roads are okay.’

‘She messaged me a few minutes ago. She’s just running late. Something to do with Hudson’s childminder.’

‘As long as they’re both okay. That’s all that matters.’ Looking behind her, Elsie pointed to the kitchen as a timer rang through. ‘I’d better get back. don’t want the bread burning. Are you okay if Diane and Brooke show you the results, love?’

‘Yes, that’s fine.’ Nodding, Heather watched as Elsie hurried back to the kitchen.

‘Right, I need to get to the office and read up on our first appointment. Especially as Wendy’s running late.’ Molly glanced at the door behind the counter on the far side. ‘See you all in a bit.’

‘See you.’ Turning to Heather, Diane leaned against the counter. ‘Moly and Wendy concentrate on the wedding planning while Brooke and I work behind here.’

‘Wedding planning? Wow, I didn’t realise the bakery organised weddings too.’ Heather looked across at the wedding counter. Posters and photos of happy couples cutting cakes and walking down the aisle tastefully hung behind the counter while wedding cakes and favours were displayed behind the glass. ‘I can see the photos now, I must have just been so tired last night, I saw the wedding cakes but didn’t spot the photos.’

‘Yes, it gets quite busy too.’ Diane nodded before pointing towards the small counter surrounded by tables and chairs at the back of the bakery. ‘Did you meet Teresa this morning?’

‘Yes, she comes in early to bake with Elsie and will be back again soon, is that right?’

‘That’s right. She works before the school run and then comes back after she’s taken her kids to school. She works behind that counter. People come in for coffee and cake.’

‘That’s a good idea. I bet that gets busy.’ Heather looked at the tables.

‘Oh yes.’ Diane laughed. ‘Talking of which, we’d best open up. Did Elsie explain everything? Sorry, I should ask you what you do back home first, you might already work somewhere like this and there’s me trying to tell you how to do something you do every day.’

Heather laughed and shook her head. ‘No, I work as a web developer so I’ve no clue about baking or anything. Elsie showed me how to work the till, although I can’t promise I’ll remember when there’s a queue!’

‘Don’t worry. Me and Brooke will be here. I’ll let our first customers in.’ Grinning, Diane pulled open the door, letting a cluster of eager customers file in.

Heather watched as Brooke stepped forward to serve the first customer. Taking a deep breath Heather followed turned to the next customer, a young woman. ‘Morning, what can I get you today?’

‘Morning. Could I grab ten cupcakes please?’

‘Ten?’ Heather looked around. What could she use to put ten cupcakes in? There were paper bags and cake boxes, but the cake boxes looked as though they’d only hold four.

‘Yes, please. I completely forgot that it’s my turn to bring in cakes for the staff room. I’m Heidi, I volunteered here a few months ago.’ Heidi smiled.

‘Hi, I’m Heather. This is my first day. Good to meet you. In fact, you’re my very first customer so I apologise if I mess this up.’

‘Oh, I’m sure you won’t.’ Heidi laughed. ‘You should have seen some of the things I did on my first day here though, mixed up orders, giving the wrong change. That sort of thing.’

‘That’ll be me, I’m sure.’ Heather looked down at the cakes behind the counter. ‘Which ones do you want? And I don’t think there’s a cake box big enough so are you going to be able to carry a few boxes?’

‘Yes, that’ll be fine. Just a selection, please?’

‘Hey, I thought I heard your voice.’ Diane hurried back behind the counter and grinned at Heidi.

‘Ha-ha, yes, I’m just grabbing some cakes.’

Placing a selection of cakes in the boxes, Heather smiled as Diane and Heidi caught up. It must be nice that Heidi lived close. She hadn’t even thought about looking for somewhere to volunteer near her hometown, although the main reason she chose this place was because it was almost as far as possible from her Durham as she could have chosen. Not that she didn’t love Durham. She did. She just needed a break from her life. She glanced out of the window, the morning sun was peeking out from behind the clouds, melting the dregs of the snow left from the rain. She shook her head, to think that yesterday she’d been battling her way through a snowstorm and now today all was quiet. Even the ocean was calm. No wonder Heidi hadn’t needed to find somewhere far away to volunteer. Why would she have with all of this on her doorstep? Closing the lid of the final box, Heather looked up. ‘Here you go. Ten cupcakes.’

‘Brilliant. Thank you. You’ve just saved me from my colleagues giving me daggers all day.’ Laughing, Heidi tapped her card against the machine. ‘I’ll catch up with you later, Diane, I’d best get back going before I’m any later.’ She looked across atHeather. ‘I hope you enjoy your time here, I certainly did, and I’ll see you at the pub tomorrow.’

‘Thanks.’ Heather turned to Diane who was now serving another customer. ‘The pub?’

‘Yes. We all go to the pub for the quiz night.’ Diane grinned. ‘It’s a great evening. Always a laugh. You’ll come, won’t you?’

‘Umm, yes, that sounds nice. Do you mean everyone who works here goes?’ Heather picked up a cloth and wiped the counter, wiping the crumbs she’d spilled while packing up the cakes.