‘Hi, Heather. Thank you.’ Standing up, Heidi leaned across the table and took the rolls. ‘We’ve got burgers for dinner, so these will be perfect.’

‘No worries.’ Turning, she made her way out of the bakery.

‘See you in a bit.’

Heather waved at Diane before stepping outside onto the cobbles which had been hidden under the snow yesterday. Pausing, she took a deep breath, the familiar salty aroma of theocean filling her lungs. Smiling, she made her way down the ramp and onto the sand below.

Chapter Four

She walked across to the water, stopping just short of her trainers getting wet. Looking out across the ocean, she pulled her gloves on. It might not be snowing, but it was still cold. Squinting against the winter sun, she watched a small dot on the horizon glide across the ocean, a ship maybe, or else a small fishing boat. She couldn’t tell from here.

Turning around, she grinned. It really was beautiful here. The bakery had been really busy, but apart from a dog walker the beach was empty. She was hundreds of miles from home, but it felt like thousands. She’d spent the whole morning busy, serving and getting to know the other members of staff as well as the customers. It was just what she needed. She grinned. Her gamble to come to Cornwall to escape for a few weeks was paying off.

Checking the time, she looked across at the small row of shops. Maybe she’d try out the chippy Elsie had suggested. Eating chips at the seaside was a longstanding tradition after all. The cheerful ringtone of her mobile sounded from her pocket, facing the ocean again, she pulled it out and answered it. ‘Hi.’

‘Hello, Heather.’

Focusing on the boat in the distance, Heather held her breath. It was Jordan. Why hadn’t she checked the name on the screen before answering? There was no way she’d have answered if she’d realised it was him. she’d have left voicemail to pick up the call. ‘Jordan.’

‘I was just ringing to check if you got the voicemail I left.’

‘The voicemail you left breaking up with me about a month ago?’ She shook her head, the slight breeze blowing her hair into her face.

Clearing his throat, his voice became distant, quiet. ‘That’s the one. I didn’t hear back from you so I...’

‘You thought you’d ring and check I knew that you’d dumped me?’ She wiped the strands of hair from her eyes. ‘Didn’t it occur to you that if I’d thought I was still in a relationship with you I’d have rung you, or sent you a Christmas present?’ She tapped her trainer against the sand, listening to the silence from the other end of the phone.

‘Yes, I guess you would have.’

Finally, he speaks. She rolled her eyes. ‘Is that all?’

‘I guess so.’

‘Good. Bye.’ Hitting the End Call button, Heather tucked her phone back into her pocket. Why had he rung? It didn’t make any sense.Hehadn’t made any sense. He was smart, he had a good job, a great job. He should have the common sense to go with it. He usually had. Just as she was beginning to accept everything that had happened, accept the fact that she was no longer in a relationship with him, begin to see how her life might be without him there, out of sight, out of the country but always there, there for her on the end of a phoneline, a text message away. And now, this. He rings her to check that she’s aware he had finished with her. Why? To rub it in?

Whatever the reason for his call, she wasn’t going to let it ruin her time here. No. she’d come here to have a bit of time off to get over everything and that was what she was going to do. Swiping at her eyes, she turned back to the ramp up to the promenade. At the bottom of the ramp, she looked back at the ocean. She needed to put him back out of her mind. And she could. She would. That was it now, she wouldn’t think of him again. He knew she was aware their relationship was overso he wouldn’t be in touch again. And that was good. It was a good thing. It would give her a chance to reset herself, go home recharged and without the worry hanging over her head.

Yes, a new start. Maybe she should block him. Or at least block him until she got home. Yes, that way at least she could completely forget about him completely forget about the fact he’d left for Dubai promising her they were still in a relationship and then proceeded to end things. Blocking was a good option. Plunging her hand into her pocket to pull her mobile out, she paused. It wasn’t there. She looked in her other pocket. Nothing. Drat, she must have dropped it.

Hurrying back the way she’d walked, she retraced her steps, keeping her eyes on the sand. Where was it? How could she have just lost her phone like that? Had it slipped out of her pocket, or had she dropped it when putting it away?

At the water’s edge, she paused and turned, her hand shielding her eyes from the sun. she couldn’t see it at all. Was the tide coming in or going out? What if the waves had dragged it into the sea? She’d never get it back then.

‘Hi, you’re from the bakery, aren’t you? One of Heidi’s friends?’

Turning around, Heather looked at the man standing in front of her. She hadn’t even noticed anyone coming towards her, she’d been so engrossed in looking for her mobile. She was sure he’d been sitting with Heidi when she’d taken the rolls over. ‘Yes, that’s right. I’m volunteering at the bakery.’ Looking away again, she began walking slowly across the sand, her head down, her eyes searching.

‘Are you looking for something? Do you need any help?’

Heather shook her head. ‘I’ve lost my phone. Sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, I just need to find it before it disappears into the sea.’

‘No need to apologise. I’ll help you look. Whereabouts were you when you lost it?’

Glancing back at him, Heather waved her hand, encompassing the beach. ‘Somewhere along here. I didn’t realise I’d lost it until I was heading back up the ramp.’

‘Okay. Have you retraced your steps between here and the promenade?’

‘Umm, yes. I think so.’ She had, but how carefully had she retraced her steps? She’d been worrying about finding her phone, in a hurry. Could she have missed it? gone slightly off track from the way she’d been walking? ‘I’m not sure.’