‘Can you do me a favour please?’

‘Yes, what’s up?’

‘Could you just let me know what Lisa and Jay think of their wedding cake please? Now we’re doing the wedding planning, I usually get to see people’s reactions to the cake but being as wedidn’t organise them, they did it themselves, I’m not going to see that reaction, and I’m worried they won’t like it?’

‘Wendy, how many times have I got to tell you to be more confident?’ Elsie shook her head. ‘Your cakes are amazing, you’re extremely talented. Start believing in yourself.’

Wendy smiled at Elsie before turning back to Heather. ‘Will you though, please?’

‘I will, but Elsie’s right. That cake was amazing.’ Heather nodded.

‘Thank you.’

‘Heather, Gus is here.’ Brooke peered around the door before disappearing again.

‘Now, off you go and enjoy yourself, love.’ Elsie nodded towards the door.


HEATHER LOOKED AROUNDthe small café. She hadn’t been there before, btu she could imagine what a typical café at a nature reserve or park usually looked like and this one had been transformed. Warm fairy lights hung from the ceiling, filling the room with a magical glow, and large fruit bowls were filled with fir cones and cinnamon sticks in the middle of the tables, the aroma adding to the warm and welcoming ambience.

‘Gus said he took you down to see the otters in the river the other day?’ Heidi took a sip of her drink.

‘Yes, we hid in the hide and got a great view of the otters from there.’ Heather smiled and looed around the small table. Gus was sitting next to her, Heidi on the other side and Liam. The other people sitting with them she hadn’t met before, but they seemed nice.

‘Aw, I love it down there. You can just forget everything, can’t you?’

Heather nodded as she held her plate up for the waiter to collect. ‘Definitely.’

The music paused as the DJ picked up the microphone. ‘Now if you’d all like to join us around the dance floor for the first dance.’

Standing up, Gus held out his hand for Heather.

Slipping her hand in his, she felt the warmth and gentle strength of his grasp and stood up. Watching as he weaved through the tables towards the dance floor, she knew then that what she’d admitted to Elsie was right. She was falling for him. Stopping at the edge of the dance floor, she leaned back as Gus stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

‘A big round of applause for Lisa and Jay, Mr and Mrs Batton.’ The DJ lowered the microphone.

As the applause subsided and the newlywed couple took to the dance floor, the room was filled with gentle tunes as the couple danced in time to the serenade. Twisting her neck, she glanced back at Gus and smiled. Yes, she was definitely falling for him. As the tempo of the music changed, the song gently morphed into a different one, a cheesy song of her teenage years.

‘Shall we dance?’ Gus’s breath tickled her ear.

‘It would be rude not to.’ Twisting around, she took hold of Gus’s hand and pulled him onto the dancefloor.

‘I love this song.’ Holding her hand, he spun her around to face him.

‘I didn’t have you down as a cheese lover?’ Laughing, she took his hands as they danced, the small dance floor quickly filling up.

‘Everyone loves cheese. It’s just whether someone admits it or not.’ Gus grinned.

‘Is that so?’ Raising her eyebrow, Heather twirled again.

‘Of course.’ Gus chuckled as the song changed again. ‘Now, this one is pure cheese. Even cheesier than the last one.’

Chapter Sixteen

Holding hands, the spun around on the dance floor as the music sped up. Pausing, Heather watched as Gus tripped back into a table, spilling a bottle of red wine across the white tablecloth.

‘Oops. I think that’s our cue to give the dancing a rest for now.’ Laughing, he used napkins to mop it up, a large purple stain spreading through the white fibres.