‘Yes, I think so.’ Grinning, she pulled him back towards their table at the back of the café and sunk into a chair. ‘I haven’t danced like that in years.’

‘Me neither.’ Shaking his head, Gus chuckled. ‘I enjoyed it though.’

‘Me too.’ Leaning back in her chair, she watched as the other wedding guests danced, their body dipping and jiving in time to the music. Lisa and Jay swayed together in the middle of the dancefloor, a sea of white and navy in a rainbow of colour. She didn’t know anything about the newly married couple. When had they got together? Who had admitted how they felt first? Heather looked across at Gus and frowned.

‘Are you okay?’ Leaning forward in his chair, he took her hands in his.

‘Yes. Sorry, I was just thinking.’ Heather shook her head. Should she tell him? be honest and upfront as Elsie had advised?

‘What about?’ A small crease had formed above his nose, between his eyebrows.

‘About whether I should say something to you or not.’ She looked down at the floor. This was daft. They hadn’t been datinglong. They hadn’t even known each other long. But she couldn’t deny how she felt.

‘What about? You’re worrying me now?’

‘Okay, I’ll just say it then. I was speaking to Elsie earlier and she told me to just be honest so I will be.’ Taking a deep breath, she looked him in the eye. ‘I think I’m falling for you.’

Leaning back in his chair, Gus chuckled before taking her hands again and meeting her gaze. ‘I thought you were going to finish with me then. I’m falling for you too, Heather. I really am. I know we’ve not known each other long but I feel as though I’ve known you for years, and I know how I feel.’

‘You are? You’re not just saying that because I said it to you?’ She interlocked her fingers with his.

‘Not at all. I was debating whether to tell you or not. I didn’t want to scare you away by admitting how I felt.’

‘You won’t scare me away.’ Leaning forward, Heather kissed him. Elsie had been right after all. Being honest was the best way forward.

Leaning back in his chair, Gus smiled at her. ‘I’m so glad I met you.’

‘Me too.’

‘It’s just crazy though. If you’d volunteered a few weeks ago, we might never have met each other.’

‘That’s true.’ She looked at him. They wouldn’t have. He hadn’t been in the bay long, if she’d decided to volunteer straight after Jordan’s voicemail, which she had considered, or if she’d volunteered somewhere else...

‘Oh, look.’ Gus pointed out of the window.

Turning, she looked out. A small clearing between trees stood out the back of the café building and right in the middle of the clearing stood a deer, tall and elegant, seemingly oblivious to the celebrations inside. ‘She’s beautiful.’

‘Here, come with me.’ Standing up, Gus held out his hand for her.

Taking his hand, Heather followed Gus outside onto the veranda, the air was crisp and cold, the moon illuminating the expanse of trees surrounding them.

‘If we’re quiet, we might be able to get a better view.’ Whispering, Gus led the way across the veranda encircling the café until they were standing opposite the clearing.

They stood, watching, hands on the ornate wooden railings of the veranda as the deer turned and looked at them, it’s ears twitching, trying to decide if they were a threat or not. Relaxing, she lowered her head again, grazing at the grass.

Heather smiled. The perfect view. The perfect moment. She felt warmth as Gus laid his suit jacket around her shoulders before hugging her around the waist and kissing the top of her head. Yes, perfect.

She wasn’t sure how long they stood there, basking in the beauty of the deer in the clearing, but without a sound the deer walked away, disappearing once again into the treeline. ‘That was perfect.’

‘It sure was.’ Gus kissed the top of her head again, wrapping his arms tighter around her as she leaned back against him.

‘Hey, Gus. Quick come here. Dave’s doing his party trick.’ Liam called Gus from the other end of the veranda, signalling to him to go back inside.

‘Coming.’ Lowering his voice, his breath tickled her ear. ‘Are you coming in too?’

‘No, I think I’ll stay out here for a few moments.’ Turning, she cupped his cheeks with her hands and kissed him.
