With their arms still linked, Gus squeezed her hand with his free one. ‘Whatever the reasons, I’m glad you didn’t go.’

Heather smiled. ‘Me too. Do you think you’ll ever move back to New Zealand?’

‘I’m not sure. I don’t think I’d move back to Wellington.’

‘Is that because of your ex?’

‘No, I just don’t feel as though I’m not the same person I was when I left. A lot has happened since then. My parents have moved to America to be near my brother’s kids, their grandkids, so its not as though I have family back there to draw me home. I haven’t seen the majority of my olds mates since leaving, and the few that I’ve kept in contact with I’m pretty sure we’d keep in contact wherever we are.’ He paused and looked at a large, laminated sign to their left. ‘That looks fun. What do you reckon?’

‘A boating lake?’ Heather grinned. ‘Why not?’

‘THIS IS BEAUTIFUL,but absolutely freezing.’ Heather laughed as she tugged her scarf closer around her neck.

‘I was thinking just the same thing.’ Gus chuckled.

She looked out across the lake. Colourful bulb style fairy lights were strewn from lamppost to lamppost around the perimeter of the small lake, their reflection a rainbow infusion of colour dancing on the water’s surface. They shared the lake withthree other boats; two other couples and one filled to the brim with teenagers.

‘What else do you want to ask me?’ Gus laid his oar across the width of the small rowing boat.

Copying him, she watched a droplet of water fall to her jeans and dried it with the sleeve of her coat. ‘Umm, I don’t know. I’ve got so many questions, but I cant actually think of any right now.’

‘Okay, I’ve got one for you then, if that’s okay?’

Heather nodded. ‘Go ahead.’

‘What are you looking for in a relationship?’

‘Oh, umm.’ Heather looked across at him. She could feel the heat of embarrassment creeping up her neck but she wouldn’t be gaining anything if she was any less than honest. ‘I’d like a proper relationship. Someone I can have a laugh with but also has my back. someone I can share my worries with and who shares them with me. Everything.’

Gus nodded.

‘How about you?’ Should she have just said that she’d be happy just going with the flow? Dating and seeing where it led? Which obviously she would be but ultimately, she’d like to get to the point where she could be in a proper relationship.

‘I’d like the same. Someone to chat about how the day has been but is also there for the big things. A relationship where we can support each other.’ He smiled.

She nodded slowly. Did he mean with her? She looked across to the tiny island in the middle of the boating lake. ‘Is it just me or do we seem to be floating near that island quite quickly?’

‘Oh, yes. We’re getting a bit too close for comfort. We don’t want to get stuck on any rocks beneath the surface or any reeds.’ Leaning across the edge of the boat, he looked down.

Heather gripped the edges of the boat as he rocked with his sudden movement. ‘Careful.’

‘Sorry.’ Sitting back down on the small bench opposite Heather, he knocked his oar, trying, and failing to catch it before it disappeared over the edge of the boat and plummeted under the water. ‘Oops.’

‘Oh no. We’ll have to try to get someone’s attention.’ Heather began waving towards the mooring site where they’d begun their journey around the lake. It was no good. The two men who had seen the onto the boat were busy talking to another group of customers. Standing up, Heather spread her feet to distribute her weight evenly and begun waving her hands. ‘Over here!’

‘Heather, I...’

‘Don’t worry, they’ve got to look this way in a minute.’ Reaching up, she waved her arms again. ‘Over here!’ The boat suddenly lurched to the side and Heather felt her balance failing. Flailing her arms, she took a deep breath certain she’d soon be joining Gus’s oar in the freezing water. Just as she felt there was no coming back, she felt a tug and flew into Gus’s arms as he stood up too. Gripping onto him she held her breath as the boat rocked to and fro before finally steadying itself. ‘Thank you.’

‘I’ve not saved us yet.’ Gus grimaced. ‘We’ve got to try and sit down again without tipped the boat.’

Heather looked into the cold dark water again.

‘You go first. Lower yourself down super slowly and I’ll try to keep it steady.’ Taking her hands, he held her steady as she sat down.

‘Okay. Your turn.’ Gripping the sides of the boat, she watched as he lowered himself slowly to his seat once again.

‘That was close.’ He grinned.