‘It sure was. I really thought I was going to end up in there.’ Heather laughed as she met his gaze.

‘So did I. I’m glad you didn’t though.’ Chuckling, Gus held his hand out for Heather’s oar.

‘What are you going to do, wave it above your head and hope they’ve stopping chatting now?’ She passed him the oar.

‘Nope. I’m going to attempt to get us back to the shore and safe ground.’ Gus plunged the oar into the water on the right-hand side of the boat, before pulling it up and doing the same on the left.

Heather looked back at the small island. It was working they were further away than they had been. ‘it’s working.’

Grinning, Gus continued until they reached the end of the platoon. Taking the rope rolled up beneath his bench, he looped it around a cleat and drew the boat in closer. Stepping out of the boat, he held his hand out and took Heather’s hand.

‘Wow, aren’t I glad I got in the boat with you and not someone else.’ Heather laughed as they walked along the short platoon.

‘Finished?’ One of the men looking after the boats, turned around and glanced at them.

‘Yes, thanks.’ Gus nodded to him before stepping off the platoon and looking at the floor. ‘Ahh, solid ground.’

Grinning, Heather bent and touched the grass beneath them. ‘Oh, how I’ve missed you.’

Chuckling, Gus waited until she’d stood up again before drawing her into a hug.

Chapter Fourteen

‘How was your evening? Harry said he’d seen you and Gus at the fair in Polvyan?’ Diane pulled her apron over her head.

‘Yes, that’s right. Were you there too?

‘No, he went with some mates from work. I enjoyed a night of being solely in charge of the remote control.’ Diane grinned. ‘Did you have a good time?’

‘Yes, it was good fun. Thanks.’ Heather smiled.

‘That’s...’ Diane turned as the bakery front door opened. ‘Oh, hi, Hudson. Hi, Wendy.’

‘Hi.’ Catching her bag on the door handle, Wendy paused, small Hudson by her side.

‘Here, let me help.’ Rushing around the other side of the counter, Heather unhooked Wendy’s bag.

‘Thanks. It’s been one thing after the other today. We were running late to nursery anyway and then we get there, and everything is all shut off, the door locked, the lights off.’ Wendy flung her bag onto the counter.

‘Oh no, how come?’ Diane frowned.

‘Huh, it’s only staff training day, isn’t it? And me being me completely forgot about it; the childminder is off too so I’ve had to bring Hudson here with me. But to make matters worse, I really need to finish decorating that wedding cake today, so all round it’s going to be a fun day.’ Wendy blew a strand of hair out of her face.

‘What’s all this? Oh, morning, Huddy. How lovely to see you?’ Elsie wiped her hands on a tea towel before draping it over her shoulder and holding her arms out for Hudson.

Running up to her Hudson flung his arms around her, immediately lifting his legs off the floor.

‘You want a cuddle, hey?’ Lifting him up, Elsie kissed his head.

‘Sorry, Elsie. I’d completely forgotten that his nursery has a training day today and his childminder is off poorly.’ Wendy tucked her hair behind her ears. ‘And I’ve got that cake to finish too.’

‘Hey, Wendy, love. Don’t worry, we’ll manage. We’ll all muck in and help with Hudson. He’ll be no bother, will you, Huddy?’

Hudson shook his head from side to side.

‘See? It’ll be fine.’ Walking towards Wendy, Elsie drew her in for a hug with them both. ‘We’re family. We’re here to support each other. Besides, Ian’s at a loose end this afternoon and I’m sure he’d be overjoyed to be able to spend some quality time with this little one.’ Elsie looked down at Hudson. ‘What do you think? Do you want to play with Grampy Ian later?’

‘Yes! Grampy Ian.’ Hudson clapped his hands before sliding down to the floor and running around the tables.