‘Glad to hear it.’ Squeezing his hand, she leaned forward, their lips touching.

‘Would you like to go to the fair at Trestow?’

‘I’d like that.’ Heather grinned as she popped a chip into her mouth.

Chapter Thirteen

‘Ican’t...’ Heather took a deep breath in before laughing again as she walked in front of another mirror in the Hall of Mirrors. This time the distorted image showed her with an elongated head. She watched in the mirror as Gus came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. ‘We look like two aliens.’

Chuckling, Gus took her hand and led the way to the next mirror. ‘I don’t think we’re ever going to find our way out of this crazy maze.’

‘I’ve got to admit I’m a tad worried we’re going to end up spending the rest of our lives stuck inside here.’ She laughed as Gus crept up to another mirror, jumping into the frame as his legs seemingly turned to spaghetti in the reflection.

‘At least we’ll spend the rest of our days laughing.’ Gus danced, his reflection wobbling his legs like jelly.

‘We sure will.’

‘Come on, Tilly. This way!’ A small boy of perhaps five or six ran between them, weaving in front.

‘Which way? Where are you?’ A young girl’s voice echoed around the room, the sound bouncing off the mirrors.

‘This way. I know the way out.’ Running past them again, the boy disappeared between mirrors, reappearing with a young girl running beside him.

‘Quick, let’s follow them. It might be our only chance to escape!’ Taking Heather’s hand, they both jogged, weaving through the mirrored maze, following the boy’s directions.

Outside, Heather leaned against the metal bars and caught her breath. ‘We made it! We escaped!’

‘We sure did.’ Standing in front of her, Gus gently tipped her chin upwards before lowering his lips to hers.

Kissing him back, Heather closed her eyes. She was glad she’d asked him how he felt about her. She was glad she didn’t have to keep wondering. Stepping back, she led the way down the metal ramp and back onto the tarmac below. ‘Where next?’

‘We haven’t been down that end of the fair yet.’ Gus pointed towards the left.

Nodding, Heather linked her arm through his as they began walking. ‘So, tell me something about yourself.’

‘What do you want to know?’

‘Oh, I don’t know. Have you got any siblings?’

‘Yes, I have one brother who lives in America. How about you?’

‘I have two sisters. Both happily married and living in Durham still.’ Heather nodded.

‘It must be nice having them so close.’

‘It is. Most of the time anyway.’ She touched her necklace. ‘One of them gets on super well with Jordan and thinks I should have moved to be with him in Dubai months ago.’

‘She blames you for the breakup?’ Looking at her, Gus frowned.

‘No. I don’t think she blames me but she definitely thinks it wouldn’t have happened if I’d followed him to Dubai sooner.’

‘Can I ask why you didn’t?’

She looked down at the pavement. ‘A few reasons. My family and friends. Plus, I’d just started my own business after quitting my old job and Jordan thought it best, I get that up and running before joining him.’ She paused. ‘Although, it’s a remote business so I could have started it over there just as easily, couldn’t i?’

‘I guess so.’

‘Huh, sorry, I guess I’m just thinking about things a bit differently now. I don’t know is the short answer. Maybe he’d planned the breakup all along, or maybe he just wanted a bit of space.’ She shrugged. ‘Maybe subconsciously I knew things wouldn’t work out with him.’