‘Go on. I’m sure I’ve thought and done more daft things than you. You can’t shock me.’ Diane grinned.

‘Okay. You know I said we kissed?’ Heather waited for Diane to nod. ‘Well, I kissed him first and now I keep worrying that he doesn’t feel as I do about him. Not that I know how I feel about him just that I really want to see him again and want us to be more than friends.’

‘Did he kiss you back?’

‘Yes, and he kissed me again later too.’

‘There you go then. You’ve got your answer. He likes you.’ Diane shrugged. ‘And yes, I meant likes as in has feelings for you before you ask.’

‘You think so?’

‘I do indeed. As I said, both me and Brooke had noticed a connection between you both already, and if he kissed you back then I really don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about.’

‘I hope you’re right.’ Heather touched her locket.

‘I’m sure I am, but if you’re still worried just ask him.’ Diane grinned. ‘It’ll be an excuse to hear how he feels about you anyway.’

Heather nodded. Maybe she would.

LOWERING HERSELF TOthe wooden bench, Heather braced herself for the cold.

‘Thank you for these.’ Gus held up his cone of chips.

‘You’re welcome. It was my turn, after all.’ Grinning, Heather popped a chip into her mouth. ‘How’s your morning been?’

‘Good thanks. I’ve been looking forward to seeing you though.’

‘Me too. Well, seeing you I mean.’ Heather laughed. ‘Thanks again for yesterday evening. I really enjoyed it.’

‘You don’t regret our kiss?’ Gus shifted position so he was facing her.

‘No, why would I?’ Heather frowned. ‘Do you?’

‘Absolutely not. I was just worried that you would because of everything that had happened with your ex and only splitting up recently.’

Heather looked down at the chip in her fingers, before putting it back in the cone. ‘No, I don’t regret it. not one bit.’

‘Phew!’ Gus chuckled. ‘I just wanted to check because, well, you seemed quite upset about splitting with you ex when we spoke about him.’

Heather nodded slowly. ‘I was. I am. But more because it was a shock, I think. I’d thought things were fine at the time, although looking back it probably hadn’t been. Not for a while at least. I guess.’ Balancing her cone between her knees, she turned to him and took his free hand. ‘I promise you I don’t regret the kiss. Not one bit.’

Gus nodded.

Frowning, Heather looked at him. As much as she wanted to ask him what was going on between them, she wasn’t sure if she was ready for the answer. ‘I need to ask you something.’

‘Oh, yes?’

‘Umm, I feel daft asking, but what the heck? What’s going on between us?’


‘I’d like us to be more than friends.’ Biting her lip, she looked away. There, she’d said it.

Shaking his head, Gus chuckled. ‘I thought I made that pretty obvious?’

Heather looked across at him and grinned. ‘Just checking.’

‘There’s no need to check. I wear my heart on my sleeve and would never have kissed you if I thought we’d just stay friends.’ Gus took her hand in his.