“Well, Bambi was a boy, so I’m not sure what you’re trying to say—”
“Bambi was a boy?”
“I think so. Didn’t he grow up to be king of the forest or something?”
“Huh.” Molly shrugged.
“Anyway…”The fluttery pain had finally left her chest, thank God. “I’ve only been seeing him for a few days. There is nothing deep going on. So let’s drop it.”
Molly dropped it and only gave Lori a few pointed looks through the next hour.
The idea turned out to be sticky, however, and kept clinging to Lori’s mind despite its utter ridiculousness. She had to forcibly pry it off, but finally succeeded at about one in the morning when she drifted off to sleep.
This was wrong. So very, very wrong. And she was enjoying every second of it.
The tight cords bit into her wrists each time she pulled or shifted against the rope that held them to the headboard. Her ankles were tied also, though not together. No, they were spread wide, tethered to opposite bedposts, leaving her sex exposed and open. Caroline dug her heels into the sheets and lifted her hips, struggling…and offering her lover an even better view. His dark eyes gleamed from within the black mask that covered most of his face.
She’d never seen his face, had no idea who he was, and his anonymity only made this wickedness sweeter. Nervousness drove her blood harder against her throbbing clit, and Caroline moaned.
QUINN NEARLY MOANED, too, thinking of the story he’d read three times the night before. He glanced over to Lori’s legs framed against the dark leather of the passenger seat. Did she really want those legs spread apart and tied down? Did she really want him to have complete control over her body?
The book he’d stolen from her bedroom had been fairly well used, clearly read more than once. But that story…that story had fallen open naturally, the spine broken into submission.
He shifted in his seat, drawing Lori’s eye. She smiled. “So tell me what you were working on today.”
Quinn cringed. “Did I mention how sorry I was about being late?”
“Yes, and I believe I mentioned that I knew you’d be late, so it’s no big deal. Heck, I wasn’t even going to call for another ten minutes, so you beat expectations.”
“Sorry. I was actually ready too early, so I sat down to look over some plans and…Well.”
“It’s not a problem.” She laughed. “Quinn, you were like that injunior high,for God’s sake. I’m not taking it personally.”
“I don’t want you to think you weren’t on my mind or—”
She put a hand on his thigh and effectively shut him up. He stopped worrying about his tardiness and started wondering if her hand was going to slide a little higher. He had a one-track mind after all, and architecture had been run off the rails the moment Lori Love had opened her door and smiled at him. Sex with Lori was currently the only engine building up steam.
Her blue dress was even more lovely than he remembered, probably because he knew he’d be unzipping it later, letting it fall, exposing her smooth, snowy skin. Was she naked under there? Or was she wearing a pair of demure white panties like she’d been wearing the first time they’d had sex? If she was, Quinn thought maybe he’d tie her up before removing them, leave her looking innocent and sweet as he stretched her out on the bed.
Oh, crap, he had to stop thinking like that. His dick had jumped past pleasantly interested to throbbing. The little circles she was drawing against his thigh weren’t helping, either. Her hand slid higher.
“My, my,” she purred as her touch slipped sizzling heat against his erection. “What do we have here?”
“Don’t encourage me,” he ground out.
She laughed, the husky sound like shot silk against his skin. “Oh, but it’s fun. What are you thinking about over there?” She traced his cock, sending bright shocks through his gut.
Quinn pulled into an empty space on the street, thinking bitterly of the underground parking garage on the other side of town. If he were parked there, he’d happily show her exactly what he was thinking of, with only a small chance of being arrested.
Throwing the car into Park, Quinn turned to face the woman torturing him. “I was thinking that after the party, I’d take you back to my place. I have a whole drawer full of ties, and I understand they’re quite effective at keeping wicked girls like you under control.”
She blinked and yanked her hand back to press it flat to her chest. “What?”
“I thought I’d use one to tie your wrists and maybe one to cover your eyes. As for the others…”