Her face paled, all the blood migrating to two high spots on her cheeks.
“I guess you’ll find out.” He smiled at the utter shock on her face. “Now, are you ready to make small talk?”
He’d thought of simply taking her back to his condo and surprising her with a little bondage, but he was greedy. If he was cursed with thinking about it all night, he wanted her thinking about it, too. He wanted her aroused while they sipped champagne and smiled politely at the other guests. Wanted her anxious and eager. Nervous. A little scared.Wet.
She was staring out the windshield now, eyes distant. When Quinn stroked a finger down her arm, she jumped.
Lori licked her lips. Her eyes slid toward him and then away.
A surge of confidence rolled through him, jolting the nerves in the deepest parts of his body. He hadn’t been sure, hadn’t wanted to step over the line, but now he knew. Lori did want this. Wanted it so much she was terrified to admit it, was horrified to have it out in the open. So Quinn wouldn’t push her or force her to say it aloud. He’d simply make it happen.
Hoping his arousal had faded enough to save the public any embarrassment, Quinn stepped out of the car and walked around to open Lori’s door. When she took his hand, Quinn led her across the street and into the party without saying another word.
* * *
Lori tried to steady her breathing.
She hadn’t paid any attention to which book Quinn had swiped from her bedroom. If she’d thought about it, she might have seen this coming, but sex and unpaid bills had absorbed her thoughts for the past few days.
But now he knew. Knew she wanted to be tied up, maybe even spanked.
“Oh, God,” she muttered.
Quinn glanced in her direction but said nothing.
Her brain spun with the compulsion to protest. Stop this thing in its tracks. Deny, deny, deny. But, horrified as she was, she didn’t want to deny it. He probably wouldn’t believe her anyway—hell, she’d dripped strawberry ice cream on some of those pages—and then she’d be embarrassedandunfulfilled. Better to be embarrassed and tied up.
Her face burned at the image as Quinn opened a door and ushered her in. The space was all dark wood and polished steel, packed with faces she didn’t recognize. Several of them looked toward her, and then casually away. She was no one here, and for once that was a relief. Even if these peoplecouldread her thoughts on her face, she’d never see them again.
But Quinn…Quinn knew her too well, and when his hand settled on her back, Lori inhaled sharply.
“Shall I get you a drink?”
“Yes! Please. Definitely.”
His lips brushed her cheek in a brief caress before he strolled over to the bar, and Lori stood there like an idiot with her fingers pressed to the spot.
She had to get it together. For God’s sake, the person who’d trashed her place might be somewhere in this crowd, and all she could think about was her wrists being tied, Quinn’s long fingers pulling the silk tight, his face a mask of impenetrable ice.
When he reappeared at her side, Lori blushed again.
“Thank you.” She raised the glass immediately to her lips and gulped, wishing she could press the icy cold flute to her burning forehead.
“There’s Peter Anton.” Quinn gestured with his drink while his other hand curved around her elbow. “I’ll introduce you.”
Lori froze. “No!” His questioning look stirred her brain to further confusion. “I mean, um…” Shoot. “I need to, uh, step into the ladies’ room. You go talk to Mr. Anton and I’ll find you in a minute. Okay?”
His sharp gaze stayed focused on her for a long moment before he nodded. “All right. You’re sure you don’t want me to wait?”
“Nope, I can handle the bathroom on my own. And if I can’t, I’ve got my cell phone.”
“Good to hear.”