Page 70 of Start Me Up

Shaking her head, she swallowed hard. “Hey, I’ve got a house and a job and a tow truck, right? That’s more than some people ever have. In fact, some people leave everything they know to come to this country and have a life like mine. There’s no reason to feel sorry for myself.”

Molly’s hand squeezed hers.

“And I’m good at what I do, so fuck it.”

“Yeah,” Molly echoed. “Fuck it.”

Lori raised her drink to that, and set it back on the counter empty.

“Let’s get one more round,” Molly suggested. “And talk about something else, huh?”

She had to nod, because she was afraid she’d start crying if she opened her mouth. She was stuck and going nowhere. Her life was complete shit, and she wasstillafraid to throw it away and start all over. She wasn’t eighteen anymore. She just couldn’t do it.

Molly squeezed again. “I didn’t mean to make you into one of those sad, drunk women who sits at the bar and weeps into her drink until she passes out.”


“Hey, maybe Quinn could get you a discount on a new door. He knows lots of suppliers and contractors.”

“I haven’t told him.”

“What? Why not?”

Lori sighed and rolled her eyes. “I don’t want to argue about it. That man’s got a nasty temper.”


“Your brother. He’s just like your dad when he gets mad. Blustery and—”

“You’re kidding, right? My brother is one of the most laid-back guys around.Somemight even say removed.”

“Well, not with me. We get in an argument every time we see each other. It’s ridiculous.” And hot.

Juan approached, wiping his hands on a towel, biceps flexing. He’d lost weight since he’d begun dating Helen and was starting to look more like the star football player he’d been in high school. But his smile still looked like a happy five-year-old’s. “Another drink, ladies?”

“Just one,” Lori said, then added, “I mean one for each of us, of course. Let’s not be ridiculous.”

“Got it.”

Lori glanced over at Molly, and her smile froze. Molly’s mouth was hanging open, her eyes glued to Lori’s face. “What?”

Molly shook her head and then blurted, “Quinn is totally falling in love with you!”


She leaned forward and rested both hands on Lori’s knees. “Quinn doesn’t argue with anybody. He’s too caught up in his own thoughts to get involved in the problems of mere mortals. But he argues with youall the time?He’s falling for you, Lori.”

“No! Are you insane? He’s not my boyfriend. We’re not even dating.”

Molly blew a disgusted sigh past her lips. “Use your brain. You read romance novels all the time. What are the most obvious signs of true love? Drama! Arguments! Tension!”

“Those are also the most obvious signs of domestic abuse. Those books are fiction, which you should know since you write them.” Lori tried her best to beat down the shocked panic bubbling up in her chest. “We have chemistry, all right? It’s the sexual tension making us fight. Quinn isnotin love with me.”

“Not yet.”

“Not ever. He’s not my boyfriend. We’re not dating. It’s sex. Just sex. I’m using your brother for his body and that isit.He absolutely understands that.”

Molly squinted. “This is so weird. I feel like Bambi just morphed into a raging nymphomaniac.”