Page 81 of Start Me Up

“You’re mine,” he repeated, slowly exploring the curves of the tops of her thighs.


He’d never been interested in domination before and wasn’t even sure he was interested now. What excited him was Lori. Her response. The thought that he could do this for her, turn her on in a way no one else had…that was what made his dick throb. That and the idea that his doing whatever he wanted was part of her fantasy. Definitely a game he could get into.

Putting his faith in the belief that Lori would stop him if he went too far, Quinn slid one hand past her hip and up her back. He wound his fingers into her curls, tightened his fist and pulled her head back. The movement arched her breasts forward, and Quinn took quick advantage.

Her nipple was a hard pebble against his tongue and it only got harder as he sucked. He set his teeth gently to her flesh, scraping. Lori’s soft cry filled the room and swelled louder when he applied more pressure. After licking the pain away, he moved to her other breast to do the same.

“Oh, God,” she gasped. “Oh, God.” They’d barely started, and she sounded out of breath and nearly out of control. Each time he bit, her gasps got more strained. “Please,” she begged. “Please don’t.”

Quinn’s dick swelled to unbearable tightness. Surely he’d never been so hard. “Please don’t what?”

Lori pressed her lips together.

“You want me to stop?”

Her lips turned pale under the pressure. She didn’t answer.

Quinn swirled his tongue lazily around one peaked nipple, then sucked hard and fast to make her gasp. “No? Tell me how much you like it,” he ordered.


“Your job, Ms. Love, is to show me how sorry you are.” He dragged his tongue up the curve of her breast and kept going all the way to her throat. “You’re not doing a very good job.” He nipped her neck.

“I’m sorry!” she cried.

“Show me.” Holding her still, he finally put his lips to hers and kissed her deep and hard. Lori kissed him back as if she wanted to devour him. When he broke away, she tried to follow, but he pulled her head back. “Convince me,” he growled.

She nodded against his hold. Quinn let her go and stood. He shouldn’t like this so much. His hands definitely shouldn’t be shaking with desperate, angry need when he reached for his belt. But when the belt buckle opened with a clink…Lori licked her lips. Shelicked her lipsas if she could already taste him there, and Quinn gave up even the idea of restraint. Once again, her fantasy had become his.

When he lowered his zipper, Lori’s breath hitched and quickened.

He wasn’t going to last. Hell, he could probably will himself to an orgasm right this second. And there’d be no chance to indulge all of Lori’s needs if he spent the next hour obsessed with trying not to come. A strategic, temporary surrender seemed in order.

Smiling, Quinn wrapped his right hand around the base of his dick and slipped his left hand behind Lori’s neck. “Convince me you’re sorry,” he growled, and Lori took him eagerly into her mouth.

* * *

NEARLY VIBRATINGwith stark arousal, Lori lay panting on the bed, still tied and blindfolded, still fully immersed in the game. The taste of Quinn’s come lingered on her tongue. He’d zipped up his pants just a moment before and left the room. What did it mean?

Ears straining, she tried to hear something over her rushing blood.

He’d used her. Thrust himself into her mouth until he exploded. And Lori had loved every second of it. She was squirming, aching, throbbing, and each thrust of his hips had pushed her closer to climax. She’d swallowed every drop of his come, then licked at him until he’d finally shuddered and jerked away.

Where was he? Was he coming back? She had a vague notion that isolation and abandonment played a part in bondage, but this aspect of S and M was no fun to her. She didn’t want to be a slave, she just wanted to be dominated for one night. Okay, maybe two. Once a week, tops.

She was enjoying it just as much as she’d feared she would.

“Here.” His voice startled her into a little jump. “Sit up.”

Lori sat up, and Quinn pressed something cool and smooth into her hands. The wineglass. She raised it to her lips and gulped the wine. Not to wash the taste of him from her mouth, but just for the pure liquid courage. The cold wine quickly pushed more heat into her veins. Quinn took the glass away.

“Are you done?” she blurted without meaning to.


She swallowed, mouth dry despite the whole glass of wine she’d just downed. “Are you done fucking me?”