Page 82 of Start Me Up

The clink of Quinn’s glass touching the table seemed loud enough to echo. “I haven’t started fucking you yet.”

“I know, but—”

“And it’s insulting that you haven’t noticed. Stand up.”

When she stood, knees trembling, Quinn immediately pushed her panties down. Any worry that he’d lost interest in this game vanished when Quinn slid the edge of his hand roughly along her sex. Though the movement was rough, the sensation wasn’t. She was wet enough to turn anything into a smooth glide. A hum vibrated up her throat.

“I guess you haven’t gotten what you wanted yet.”

She shook her head, goading him as if he really were some volatile sadist, but Quinn just chuckled.

“Lie down,” he said, and she did. When he reached for her wrists and tugged her hands over her head, Lori tried hard not to smile. But she failed. She’d been waiting a long time for this, and as his fingers tied another knot and secured her to the headboard, she couldn’t help a grin that was half delight and half nervousness.

Quinn kissed her, a friendly peck on her smiling lips. “Stop it,” he whispered. “You’re ruining the mood.”


Her giddiness faded when he stood, the bed dipping and then springing up at the loss of his weight. She was stretched out on the bed, totally naked, blind, hands tied above her head. A quick tug confirmed that she couldn’t move.

Was Quinn watching her? Was he undressing now? Did he have more ties? Would he spread her legs and pin her down? She didn’t even know if he was in the room.

The vulnerability of her position washed over her, and any urge to smile was swept away on that wave. Instead of grinning, she squirmed.

“Spread your legs.” His voice came from the foot of the bed. She squeezed her thighs tight together. “Open your legs, Lori. I want to see you.”

The clink of his belt confirmed one of her questions. Hewasundressing, and though her lust had faded to a simmer, it sprang back to a full boil at that one tiny sound.

“No,” she whispered in answer. A faint shushing sound to her left warned her just a moment before his hand closed over her thigh. Lori wrenched away, rolling to her side, and when she did, adrenaline exploded into her bloodstream. Nerves she’d thought already raw shrieked up to a higher level of awareness.

He reached for her more roughly, fingers digging into her hip, pressing sparks of pleasure through her whole body. Suddenly his hot, naked chest was pressed to her back and his heavy thigh pressed her own legs tight together.

“Where do you think you’re going, sweetheart? You’re tied to my bed.”

Yes, she was. Oh, God, she was tied to his bed, hands stretched above her head, and his strong arm curled around her waist to pull her flush against his body. He was hard again already, full and long and pressed to her ass. His hand cupped her lower belly, fingers just brushing the dark hair between her legs.

“I can do anything I want.” His words tickled her ear. “Anything. And you can’t stop me. So open your legs.”

Lori bucked against him, trying to get away and not moving an inch. He thrust his hand between her clenched thighs and found the wetness he’d inspired. When he rubbed her clit, Lori cried out.

“Jesus, you’re wet. You can act like you don’t want this, but you do. Admit it, Lori. Beg for it.”

“No! Don’t.” Her own words crashed through her body, making her shake. “Please.Please don’t.”

His stroking grew rougher. She was so close…. And then he let her go.

“You want me to stop?” His hand slipped up her stomach, away from her sex, and Lori cried out in sorrow. He cupped her breast and plucked at her nipple as he ground his erection against her ass. She arched into him, silently begging.

“You want to be fucked,” he growled, voice rough as an animal’s in her ear.

Jesus, she wanted him so much, she was losing track of the story. Her body rebelled. It wanted him and it wouldn’t let her mouth form the wordno.But she wouldn’t say yes. She wouldn’t.

Quinn rolled away and left her alone, air cooling her burning back.

Please,she mouthed into the sheets. The faint rip of plastic tearing caught her attention, and Lori rolled to her back to try to track him. A condom wrapper? Was he going to take her now? She tugged on her hands just to feel the dig of the restraints.

God, this was so good.

He jerked open her knees before she could resist, and then he was between them as she bucked and arched, pressing her shoulders back as she lifted her hips away from his.