He put a hand on her shoulder. “Here. Sit. You are super tense. You need to relax a bit.”

He guided her to a chair and took position behind her. He began working his thumbs over her shoulders. The pressure felt both painful and amazingly good at the same time. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, trying to relax, as he’d said to.

“Good. I can feel you loosening up.”

As he worked his hands over her muscles, she tried not to worry about her father. This wasn’t his first trip to the ER. He would be okay. The doctor said he might have some fainting spells. She knew this could happen.

“Tell me about your father. What did he do for a living?”

“He was an engineer.”

“Oh? What kind?”

“Mechanical engineer. He helped develop HVAC systems.” She smiled. “Kind of sounds boring when I put it that way.”

He changed massage techniques, working her back muscles. “No. Sounds like he is a brilliant man.”

“Yes, he is.”

“He also taught you about cars?”

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She’d told Jalen that. “Yes,” she said, carefully.

“I mean, Jalen told me.”

Why did he sound so odd? Like he’d been caught? Did they gossip about her or something? “I don’t know a lot. He just taught me how to change a tire, change the oil, stuff like that.”

“Those are good things to know. I have to pay people to do that stuff because I’m clueless.”

“Well, if you need an oil change over the next day and a half, you know who to call.” She laughed and then sobered. She only the rest of today and tomorrow with Shadow. That thought didn’t sit well with her.

He chuckled. “You’re the best assistant I’ve ever had.”

That was probably a lie, but she took it anyway. “Thanks.”

He switched to massaging her neck, his touch lighter. The contact with her skin made her realize just how attracted she was to this man. She jumped out of the chair. “I think that’s good.”



“Then let’s think of something else that will get your mind off things, at least until the doctor can call.” He trailed his hand down her arm and laced his fingers through hers. Man, if he didn’t stop, she was going to be a puddle on the floor. “Do you want to sit with me?”


“Why don’t you tell me about your novels?”

Oh, just great. Anything but that. She gave him a lame smile. “They’re not very good.”

“What are they about?”

Gah. Was he going to keep pestering her until she made something up? She couldn’t even think right now. How was she supposed to come up with the plots for five paranormal romance novels? She balked, and then an idea came to her. “I’m a little uncomfortable talking about my books. Why don’t you ask me yes or no questions, and I’ll answer.”

He grinned at her. “All right, that sounds like fun. Let me think. Are the books set in contemporary times?”

“Yes.” She would die if she had to make up stuff about historical fiction.

“Are the novels a series?”