“Yes.” That would be easier to keep track of.

He shifted and ran a finger over the back of her hand. It sent a wave of tingles over her skin. “Is your main character a ghost?”

Well, that would be fun. “Yes.”

“And is your main character in love with a living person?”

She couldn’t say yes to every question, or it wouldn’t take long at all for him to figure out she was lying. “No.”

“Hmm. Okay. Is your story set in a big city?” He moved closer to her and put his arm around her.

She snuggled into him. He really was being an amazing support. Who was she? A temp? A nobody. He could have dismissed her with a wave of his hand, yet he treated her like she mattered from the very first time they’d met. “Yes.”

“A fictional city?”


They continued, back and forth, while her fake story unfolded before both of them. A half hour later, she had three characters who were ghosts, two werewolves, a demon, and a car salesman who were all trying to solve the mystery of who killed the main character. The romance part was still shaky, but that was fine with her. She didn’t really know much about romance anyway. Her phone rang, and her heart leapt into her throat.

She answered her phone with trembling fingers. The ER doctor who had checked out her father spoke with her for a few moments, and then hung up. She turned to Shadow, relief making her shake. “My father’s okay.”

He pulled her to his chest and held her tight. “I’m so glad.”

“They’re going to keep him overnight for observation, but the doctor said his condition hasn’t worsened.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to go home?”

“There’s nothing I could do at home anyway. I’d like to stay and finish this job.” She swallowed. The job she was there for was different than the one he was thinking, and it made her guilt rise again. But what could she do? She needed to do her job and get back home. She couldn’t afford to have feelings for the man in the mask. And she was running out of time.

She had to get Shadow to take off his mask.

Chapter 18

Jalen closed his guitar case and clicked the latches. He’d sung his songs for the lunch crowd and they were packing things up. Riley quickly grabbed the guitar case before he could lift it. “I can carry this for you.”

“You don’t have to carry my—”

“It’s okay,” she interrupted. “I want to help.”

He held in a smile. That was Riley. She had a take-charge attitude that he liked. “Thanks.”

She headed out of the restaurant. Evan was on security detail and followed them. The sun blinded him when they got outside into the courtyard. Riley looked up at him, shielding her eyes with her hand. “Don’t forget to give me your laundry. Jalen specifically said to get it from you.”

“Yes. I’ll get that for you when we get to the room.” Too bad she needed to do his laundry. He wanted to spend more time with her. Being with Riley was like a drug. The more time he spent with her, the more he needed her.

“It’s a lovely day,” she said, looking up at the sky before heading into the main building where their rooms were.

“It is.” They got to his room, and he unlocked the door. “I’ll go get the clothes.”

After he gave Riley his laundry bag, he stood there awkwardly shifting. He didn’t want to send her away.

Riley must have read his mind, because she paused and looked at the carpet. “Do you…want to come with me?”

He smiled. “Yes.” Did he answer too quickly?

She lifted one eyebrow. “Really? It’s probably going to be boring.”

“I’ve found that being around you is never boring.”