Rhiannon laughed. “I guess it's all new to you, huh?"
"Yes. I like what I've seen of California so far, which isn't much. I was a little homesick for New York, but I needed to make a change."
Rhiannon nodded. "I know what you mean. This is a pretty big change to make. It takes some getting used to. I'm still not sure I want to stay out here."
"Right now, I'm sure I don't. But I have that plan. When that's accomplished, I'm going to Europe. Or somewhere anonymous."
"England's nice. Calm. My family has a place there. If Thad's show ends its run, I could always go to work for the BBC. I would imagine you living in France."
"I love France,” Jill sighed. “I want a villa on a vineyard, with baby goats and chickens, and Kevin Kline from French Kiss? Remember that movie? Ruined me.”
"You? In rural France?"
Jill considered this and her cheeks flushed. “Okay, maybe a villa in a village five minutes from Paris.”
Rhiannon nodded. "It would have to be. You're too cosmopolitan for the country squire life," she said, with a laugh. “Have you ever even been in the country?”
"Ahem–I’ve seen movies! I watch Lifetime! I could adjust! I just hope that it all works out sooner rather than later," Jill said, with a small smile. "I'm not getting any younger."
"You've just been working away for your whole life. It feels longer than it is."
"Working away.You know, I realized the other day that I've never even had a vacation?Seriously.I have never once had a single trip that wasn't all business.It's sad.I think it's sad.It's not like I can't afford it either.But five years, and then it all stops.Then it's a lifelong vacation unless I say otherwise."
Rhiannon smiled. "You know… Thad's back on the market and he's a great guy. Loves kids. He's got six already. You could always go out with him. He's finally ready to start a relationship with someone in his age group."
Jill looked nervous. "You're not serious, are you?"
"No," Rhiannon laughed. "You might break him."
"I would not!"
"I know, but he wouldn't do well in competition with Kline. They haven't done that for quite a few years."
"Kline's not a competition for anyone," Jill said. "He's just a friend and a coworker."
"Thad is really a good guy.”
Jill nodded. "But isn't he on his third divorce?"
"Yes, but he's just unfortunate. He's not really the lothario type. He falls in love rather easily and he doesn't always make the best choices in women. You know what that's like," Rhiannon reasoned. "But he loves his kids and he's a big family man. Not a slave to his management or his career. I've never seen a scandal sheet on him more caustic than the divorce settlements. Monique left him because he's too much of a homebody for her."
"Really?"Jill smiled wistfully. "Poor guy.I do know how that is."
"Well, think about it.Have lunch with him or something. It'd do you good to know some other people anyway.Can't hurt to make new friends. Or date someone you haven’t known since you were in diapers.”
Jill laughed. "That's true. Aside from you, August, and Kline, I don't know anyone out here, really. Kim’s introducing me to her set, and I’m hopeful about the brunch ladies, but I don’t know anyone well enough to trust yet. You know? I pay people to leak stories about me to the press. I don’t need people pretending to be my friends doing it for free–well, I guess they’d get paid. You know what I mean."
"I do. Totally. Well, Thad's a great friend to have," Rhiannon said, flagging down the waiter. "He's the one who helped me deal with the whole photo scandal thing, and he's been great about my recent failed relationship. Oh, and he's a terrible flirt. You love that. He did ask me if you were single."
Jill laughed."Really?"
"I guess I could talk to him a little.It couldn't hurt."
Rhiannon smiled and paid the bill. "Let's go back to the studio and I'll give you the tour. I'll even give you proper introductions."
Jill blushed slightly. "I shouldn't have teased him so much earlier."