Page 90 of Heavy Shot

"You were taking measurements. Now, beat it," Rhiannon admonished. "Elsewhere."

"Really!" Thad howled, "I'm outraged that you would say such a thing in front of," he dropped his voice into a comic purr, "such a lovely guest."

"Thirty-one," Jill said mildly, "twenty-one, thirty-two. Ballet and Pilates daily.Weight training every other day.And horrible, horrible calisthenics.Now, do be a love and go away. We're going to have girl time."

Rhiannon gave him a flat smile and closed the door before he could say another word, turning to look at Jill before chuckling and shaking her head. "Now he's dumbfounded. I can't imagine what kind of damage he'll do to himself with that little bit of information you gave him."

"Aw," Jill opened the door quickly and said to Thad's retreating figure, "I also do yoga daily. I am stronger and more flexible than you can possibly imagine," then she shut the door and turned back giggling impishly.

"Oh, now he'll be impossible to live with," Rhiannon sighed dramatically. "But damn that was fun!"

"Tell him we used to have sleepovers.That'll do him in. So? Nice office."Jill was looking around at the paper strewn room.It was tidy, but very, very full. "Can you get away to eat, or are you at the mercy of Craft Services?"

"We're going out to eat. I need to get away from this office for a little while. If we stay here, we will be interrupted constantly," Rhiannon said. "There's a great Japanese place not too far from here. Quiet. You could get sushi."

"Sounds great.I'll probably just do some tuna and green tea.I have nude scenes coming up.I can't afford the slightest bump."

"Speaking of,” Rhiannon tossed the magazine. “You might want to ask Roland about that one."

"Ugh. I saw it. Kline showed me.”

"I can’t believe you are still speaking to him outside of work. Let me grab my bag and we'll go. I'll show you around the studio when we get back, if you like."

"Great. I have so much to tell you. This past month has been messy. That’s my new word. Messy. It’s my life motto.”

“Because it was so tidy before?”

“I’m leaning into it, now.”

Jill followed Rhiannon out to her car, and they cruised down to a neighborhood Rhiannon liked. It wasn't long before they were seated and served, actually enjoying comfortable conversation. Well, Rhiannon was enjoying listening to Jill talk, the other woman rambling like someone had dropped a quarter in her, telling her everything from how she and August had broken up to having purchased her first pair of designer sneakers. Then, just as suddenly as the rush of speech had begun, it stopped. “And that’s that.”

Rhiannon laughed. “That’s quite a lot.”

“You’re telling me!”

“So, what now?”

“Now? The movie and then Kline’s awards season, and then movie marketing. Since I knocked out my competition–that’s you–I’m Kline’s official date for everything. He went with me when I did the Tonys, and we’ll go to the MTV awards together.”

“Lucky you.”

“And then, I’m going to meet someone, fall in love, get married in a huge celebration, and have babies.” She ticked off fingers.

“Are we manifesting now? Did you just read The Secret?”

“I watched the Oprah episode about it, years ago. Does that count?”

“No more five-year plan?”

She was ticking fingers again. “Well, the movie won’t wrap ‘til next year. I figure it might take a year to find the love of my life, a year to get engaged, a year to plan the wedding and get married, and then get to work on being pregnant. The timeline works.”

“You crack me up. You and your plans.”

“But for the next little while, I’m just focused on learning how to be a Californian. I joined a brunch club and Kline and I are learning to surf.”

"Are you kidding me? Surfing?”

“It’s a great workout for your core!”