Page 105 of Heavy Shot


"I am not!" She huffed, fumbling for her phone as it began to ring. She read the display and a smile spread across her face as she hurried to answer. "Hello?"

"Hello, beauty," Thad's voice greeted. It was loud enough that Kline could hear him. How she was holding the phone to her ear was beyond him. "How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Terrible, actually. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you all day and I've eaten nearly two boxes of chocolate."

"I'm glad you liked it. I've been out with Kline all night, being photographed kissing him.So, I've been thinking about you for inspiration."She stuck her tongue out at Kline as she said it.

"Well, I'd much rather you were kissing me, but you are an actress, so whatever work is required--am I interrupting?"

"No, we've just turned down my street. He's glaring at me."

"Hm. I can't imagine what his trouble might be, considering he's been spending time with you and kissing you all evening. Personally, I would be grinning from ear to ear."

"Aw," she purred."You should come over.Then I'll be grinning ear to ear."

Kline called out so that Thad could hear, "She needs her rest. She's obviously overtired."

"You've got an early call tomorrow, mate. Shouldn't you be on your way home?"

"Invitation stands," Jill said.

"I was hoping you would say that. I didn't really want to wait until tomorrow to see you," Thad said, his own smile obvious. "I'll be there in half an hour."

Kline scowled as Jill got out of the car and waved goodbye as she practically ran into the house.

Next morning on set, Thad was grinning, giving Kline a slap on the rear as he passed by. "'Lo," he cheered. "D'you have a nice date last night?"

"Very," Kline replied, with a tight smile.

"Good. Let's get to work, hm?" Thad replied, whistling as he continued down the corridor to his dressing room.

The set lit up with excitement around two, just before they broke for lunch. An intern came running in, whispering to an aide off sides, then pretty soon the set was buzzing that Kline Scott's girlfriend, Jill Parker had just driven onto the lot and creamed another car. Apparently, she'd swerved to miss a courier and had hit a studio boss's Porsche instead. No one was hurt, but the Porsche was totaled, and Jill had ended up with an offer to star in an action comedy.

She was escorted inside shortly after, rubbing her forehead and Rhiannon welcomed her with a sardonic smile. "Hey, Crash, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just bumped my head," she said, with a pout. "My car got hurt, though."

"You can afford to get it fixed. And hire a driver."

"I don't want a driver.Then I have to wait for them to go where I want to go.And I know I can get it fixed. But the studio is fixing it."


"Apparently, I'm charming and adorable. And they're afraid I'll sue."

Rhiannon laughed, shaking her head. "Charmed life. That's all I can say."

Thad appeared behind her, worry evident on his face, "Jill? Are you okay? You weren't hurt, were you?"

"Hi!" She spun to greet him. "I was coming to see you.I'm fine."

He took both of her hands and looked her over. "You have a bump," he frowned, brushing her bangs with his finger. "You're sure you're alright?"

"Absolutely," she said, grinning and slipping her arms around him. "I'm great now."