Page 104 of Heavy Shot

"No. Now I welcome them."

"We're talking about emotional feelings. Not tingly in-your-pants feelings."

"I know what we're talking about, Jill. We're talking about stomach-flipping- and-heart-leaping-into-your-throat feelings. I'm not a kid anymore. I know the difference."

"Stomach flipping is tingly in-your-pants when I say it.Just so we're on the same page."

"So, that's all you have for me, then?"

He could see her mind come to a screeching halt and she turned in her seat to look at him fully, "Are we really having this conversation?Why are you asking me that?"

"I'd like to know where I stand with you. If I have any standing at all?"

"Kline," she sighed. "You broke my heart twice.Twice. Not once. Then you were a bastard about it. You're lucky I let you be my friend. I don't want us to get confused about that when we're filming, because we both know how the play ends. I'd hate for any of it to carry over into real life. Okay?We're friends. We're coworkers. We share a history, and you make my pants tingle, but my pants don't rule my world."

"Are things going that well with Thad, then?"

She blinked at him. "What does that have to do with any of this? I'm telling you no because I'm not in the same place I was in New York, or even ten years ago. It took me a long time to get over you and forgive you for doing what you did to me. Let's not drag it all out again. I like you. We're great friends. Any more than that is just too volatile."

"Too volatile? Jill…Look, I think we could--"

"We could make a huge mess.I like you.I adore your son. But no.No.I need to expand my world now, not make it smaller.In my adult life I've dated one man I haven't know since childhood.One.The last thing I need to do is fall back into the pattern of dating men who are a safety blanket and throwback to my mother. Part of me will always love you.You were my first everything.But another part of me will never trust you again. I'm going with that part."

Kline looked wounded, but he didn't try to argue the point. Instead, he sighed and gave a nod. "All right. Friends it is."

"Good friends," she said, taking his hand. "Now let's eat, because I'm starving!"

They went to a cozy eatery and spent a few hours talking close and laughing together, looking for all the world like a young couple in love. There was no more talk of romance between them, but they slipped into the roles easily enough. After dinner, Kline took her to The Frame where several other notable celebrities were having drinks and looking to be seen.

After thirty minutes she was ready to leave and had to be convinced to stay a bit longer."We should give them a good shot, though," he smiled."We've not been seen being physical. How's about a little kiss?"

Jill arched an eyebrow and gave him a teasing smile. "I think you're just looking for an excuse."

"What's your point? A little kiss won't hurt, right?"

"Fine," she chuckled, opening her arms.Several minutes later, when he let go of the embrace, she was blushing.

"How're the pants?" he asked.

"I'm wearing a dress."

"I meant the ones underneath."

She snorted a surprised laugh. "Oh! The strings are all in the right place, thanks for asking."

"Now ask me about mine."

"What pants?” She snorted, embarrassment making her bold.“You appear to be wearing a tent."

"At the moment, yes, and it's all your doing."

"You kissed me, so technically it's your doing," she countered, grabbing her bag from the table. "Can we go now, please?"

"Guh! Fine." He scrambled out after her and nearly chased her out to the car.

"How ‘bout a kiss goodnight," he asked when they reached her drive.

"How about no," she laughed."Goodnight, Kline."