Page 92 of Heavy Shot

"Oh yes you should have!He thrives on it." Rhiannon watched Jill as they walked out.For all her professionalism when it came to her work, she was practically adolescent in her romantic life.She wondered, and then thought that maybe Thad would be actually good for her.He was used to dealing with teenage girls.

Rick’s laugh caught Rhiannon by surprise when she and Jill came walking in the door, chatting on their way. "Hello," they chimed in friendly unison.

"Ladies," Thad said, hurrying to stand. He was sucking in his gut so hard, he was going to sprain something. "Have a nice lunch?"

"Yes," Rhiannon said, offering him a bag. "I brought you a salmon spring roll. Peace offering for the paper clip."

"What'd you bring me for the staples?" Thad asked, taking the bag and peering inside.

"Jill. I talked her into having lunch with you."

Rhiannon could hardly hold back her own laughter at the little shriek that came out of her friend.Jill blushed to the roots of her hair and was at a complete loss for words. Rick was laughing again at that point."You should let Rhi pelt you more often."

"Indeed," Thad said, smiling at Jill, who had covered her face with her hands.

"Don't get too excited. It took some convincing to get her to agree to this, and you have to do the rest of the work. I'm not your pimp," Rhiannon said, taking a step away from Jill and turning her smile to Rick. "Are we interrupting anything or are you just here for the entertainment?"

"I came by to congratulate Thad on getting his part in the indie.The director loved him. I mean loved him.Thought he was brilliant."

"Great acting, Thad!" Rhiannon grinned.

"And since Thad's got a lunch date, I need one, too," Rick said. "Rhiannon, more business than pleasure, but could I borrow you tomorrow? We've had seven writers on this thing already. I'd like to talk to you about doing some work on it."

"Are you buying?" she asked.

"Of course."

"Okay. I'm dying for a pizza."

"Pizza it is," Rick grinned. "I know a great hole in the wall where no one will find us."

Thad ribbed, "Just keep her in her clothes if there are photographers nearby."

"I think I'll be okay," Rhiannon shot back. "No one seems to recognize me with my clothes on."

"Maybe if you wore them out more," He reached over and pinched her cheek.

She smirked at him and turned to Jill, "See? He's not very creative, but he looks good in a suit."

"Sounds like half of Hollywood."

Rhiannon sighed. "Yeah. Sad, really. Ah well, I'll give you the tour while I'm busy ignoring him."

"Or I could give her the tour and save you the trouble of ignoring me," Thad grinned, stepping forward to Jill, "You've already suffered through over an hour of her. I'll rescue you from boredom. Come on, I'll show you my dressing room first."

"Thad, behave yourself and stop treating her like one of your wives. She's a grown up."

"Ouch," Thad pouted."All my wives are of age."

They started off, Jill laughing, and Rick looked confused."I thought she was dating August Hall?"

"Long story," Rhiannon said."But I think Thad's really more up her alley."

"He's not divorced yet, you know?"

"I know, and so does she. That's nearly cleared up. He's gotten to be an expert at handling that situation, sadly enough. Besides, it's just lunch. Who knows?"

"I like Thad," Rick said uncertainly. "I wouldn't want to see him get hurt again."