Page 6 of Heavy Shot

"Now, Jack, be nice," Kline said, pulling open the door.

"Sorry," he mumbled to Carraway's hurt expression before turning to go. "See ya." He was off and running with Delia in hot pursuit, and Kline said goodbye to the girls before following after them.

He was still scowling in the car on the way home and Kline tried not to laugh. "It washes off," he said, eyeing Jack through the rearview mirror. Delia sat beside him, earbuds in, nose almost pressed against her phone to give the father and son a semblance of privacy.

"It's gross when they do that."

Kline sighed. "Believe it or not, Jacks, you're going to be wishing girls would kiss you when you get a bit older."

Jack put out his tongue. "I'm not going to be like you all, blablablaaaaa," Jack intoned, wrapping his arms around himself in a mock hug, making mawkish kiss faces in the air."No way!"

Kline snorted out a laugh. "Blablablaaaa?" He howled, laughing. "Bright boy, that blablablaaaaa is one of the best things in life.Just you wait."

"Well, it's gross when she does it. She's always wanting me to pretend I'm in love with her or something.She's weird. I like Vangie and Shaun, but not her."

"Yeah, Car's a bit ah-old for her age."He glanced over at Jack's crossed arms again."So, what do you want to do now?"

"Let's go get burgers then go to Gameworks.I want to do the new gyroscope."

"Burgers?" Kline squinted."How about if we go to Staci's? You can get a burger and I'll get a salad. I've got to drop a few pounds.No carbs for Da."

Jack wrinkled his nose. "You're weird too.I'm never growing up.Grownups can't eat anything good."

"Yeah, we can. I just have to watch it a bit. You just work on that not growing up thing. I like that idea.”

Jack rolled his eyes and looked out the window, watching people on the street as they passed. They arrived at the restaurant and sat down at a quiet table near the front, Delia seated nearby but not with the family. The last thing he needed was to be photographed with the nanny. When the waitress arrived, she immediately recognized Kline and began flirting with him while taking the order. After she walked away, Jack scowled after her. "See? Girls are weird."

"Yeah," Kline conceded with a laugh.He and Jack chatted over lunch about the upcoming cruise. The boy was excited about it, but was also wondering what there would be to do.Kline was detailing what prospects Jack had when a familiar laugh caught his attention and he looked to his left."Hold up," he said quietly."Jack, I'll be right back."

He stood up quickly, tossing his napkin on the chair and strode over to a nearby booth. "Jill?" he asked, leaning around the back of one seat, interrupting the groups' conversation.

"Kline?!" A wide, beaming smile greeted him from the inside seat."Hi!"

He grinned back, noticing without reacting to the displeasure creeping up the face of the man seated next to her. "What are you doing in LA, love?And how are you? You look splendid!"

She laughed and shrugged, "Business.I'm great and thanks--so do you. But you always look good. Oh, Kline, these are Michael and Royce Anderson, and Phil Rozando. Guys, this is Kline Scott."

"I know," Michael said. He was the fussy looking one.Kline ignored him completely.

"How long's it been?" he asked, thinking back to the last time he'd seen her. He had dropped her off at her door and then gone straight to the airport, heading for LA. He could still remember how she'd looked at him, waving goodbye.

"Eleven years," she said easily.She was still smiling, though, eyes twinkling at him. "Do you want to join us?"

"Oh… no, I'm here with my son," he jerked his thumb toward his table. "I have a son. I…did you know that?"

"Of course.Everyone knows everything about you." Jill leaned forward and waved at the boy who was staring and kicking the rungs of his chair."Kline junior, called Jack.Right?"

"Right," Kline said, nodding. "Well, I should be getting back to him. How long are you in town?"

"We're discussing that," Royce said, with a smile to Jill. "Trying to talk her into staying longer. I think we can really make her a movie star."

"They want me to be a star," Jill stage-whispered to Kline. "Something about my own series, or movies. It's all very big and bright."

Kline could feel the smile freezing on his face even as it slipped from his eyes. It was like there was no one else in the room."I never called you," he said haltingly. "I meant to. I just..."

"Silly, that was years ago." She waved off the words."It was good to see you again.You do look great.Your son is beautiful--looks just like you."

"Is he working?" Royce asked Kline, "Because that kid could work."